Chapter 53

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Luca's POV

"I won the case." I say to myself in a whisper, I take a deep breath and I smile for all the thousands of cameras that are clicking right now. I am so happy, I can't find words to describe this happiness and greatness I am feeling.

I won the f*cking case... At first I was worried, very worried, but then I calmed down, I realised after all the things that Henry had against him, there was no way he could win.

I also remembered about the amazing recording I had of him confessing to be selling drugs undercover; there was so much against him and some of it was even personal.

Henry has always been a b*stard, a thief and an expert in lying. The guy would do whatever it takes to make money - even if it means to hurt people along the way.

Going past all the cameras and the questions, I get into my car, I close the door as quickly as possible - without trying to break someone's camera or face. I am in a fantastic mood today, I don't need fricking paparazzi ruining that for me.

Before driving home I stop at a flower store, I pick up some beautiful flowers - in all honesty, I have no idea what the hell they are called... And to be honest I don't care, all I know is that they are absolutely stunning and Valentina will love them - well I hope she will. They are brightly coloured, blues, pinks, yellows and oranges in a bunch.

I also pop into another shop just to get some of her favourite chocolates, "Ferrero Rochers', she loves them a lot! I go back into my car after paying for it, excitement going through my veins, I put on some music; I don't know what it is, some rock music and it's making me feel hyper as f*ck.

I get to my driveway, park my car and get out of my car with the flowers and chocolates in my hands. I am smiling a lot right now and it feels good to be happy... Relaxed.

I open my house door, go in and close it. I take a deep breath, I chuckle as I see Valentina on the sofa, asleep, she looks so beautiful, so peaceful. I put the chocolates down on the table before looking for a vase to put the flowers in some water.

I put the flowers on display on top of the table that is in the living room, then I try slowly picking Val up in my arms, being as gentle and careful as possible. I take her upstairs and put her into our bedroom, on the bed, she can sleep more comfortably there.

I give her a kiss on the forehead, "I love you Valentina." I whisper to her.

I take off my blazer and hang it up in my wardrobe, I also take off my shirt and trousers, and I decide to put on some joggers so I can just relax a bit. I put on a white t-shirt and go into the en-suite and wash my face with cold water. It's only five o'clock right now and I am getting sleepy - I woke up so damn early today because I was so excited.

I think that Valentina thinks I have some issues because I was so over energetic in the morning, I was around in the kitchen dancing to some old Nicki Minaj song and she was looking at me with a confused expression.

I go downstairs, I am in such a good mood right now and I feel like doing something special for Valentina. I'll cook something, light up a candle and just have some warm vibes around the house -if that makes sense.

Now, what the hell should I make?

I go into the kitchen, I am clueless! There's billions of dishes I could make but I am just confused...

Hmm, I think I'll stick to making some rice with mixed vegetables, something nice and mild.

So I get started, I get all the things that I need and I go around the kitchen cooking and multitasking - it takes up a lot of effort to sing and cook. Not that I can actually sing...

I don't even know what I am singing right now, some random pop music that Valentina loves to listen to. Maybe it's Ariana Grande or something..?

While I let the rice with the mixed vegetables get heated up I cut up some salad. Cucumbers, plum tomatoes, lettuce, I don't know what else to put so I just drizzle on some cooking olive oil. There you go, it looks fabulous and I am very hungry now.

I set up the table, light up a pumpkin candle thing, Valentina chose it and she likes the smell of it. I then just clean up the living room a little bit and I go upstairs.

I go into my room, Valentina is half asleep, she's just moving around a lot in her sleep, eyes opening and then closing... I go over to her, she looks at me, her eyes still a bit closed, "Hey handsome." She smiles, I smile back at her and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hello, beautiful wife."

She gets up a little bit, kisses my cheek and asks me, "So, how did it go?"

"I won." I tell her happily, I smile and she gives me a hug, I hold her back and feel ultimately so grateful for having her in my life.

"I am so happy for you." She whispers to me, "I knew you could do it."

I look at her and nod my head, "Come downstairs, I made some food to eat and stuff." I say to her.

"Okay, let me just freshen up a bit and I'll be there soon." She responds back to me - I can't help but to admire her beauty, she has just woken up but she has such beautiful shining eyes, her skin looking soft, so gentle...

I go downstairs and I wait for her, I can't wait for her to just sit down and eat some food with me. I love spending every moment with her and I want to spend every moment with her.

She is my everything...

It's cold, I am ill. I can barely type. Sorry for the late updates, ugh!


Love you.

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