Chapter 49

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Valentina's POV

Luca and I are cleaning up the house, my dad, Daniel and Emma are coming in about two hours, I want it to at least look a little bit presentable.

I am not cooking today, neither is Luca. We are going to order some outside food; let's be honest, it's better that way. I really am craving some pizza and fries!

Also Emma is going to be extremely happy, she loves eating outside food... Who doesn't?

Everyone knows it's bad but sometimes you just can't help yourself, it is just too delicious and irresistible.

I look at the clock, it's already 4:00 PM, there isn't that much to do right now. I go into the kitchen, Luca is cleaning up the kitchen counter, he looks up at me and I give him a smile.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, looking at him - almost searching for an answer.

He nods his head, "Yeah." He smiles back at me, he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then says, "I am alright babe..."

"Well do you need help with anything?"

"No, just go, put your feet up and relax." He says to me softly, "I am just going to head to the shops really quickly, get a few things, a few treats or something."

"Are you sure?" I furrow my eyebrows, he gives me a nod, I give him a little unsure smile and walk away back into the living room. I sit down on the sofa and sigh, I feel tired from doing absolutely nothing and it isn't helpful at all.

I lie my head down on the sofa, it feels heavy and I don't feel very well at all. Luca walks out of the kitchen and looks at me, he gives me a concerned look, "What's wrong Val, are you okay?"

I give him a smile and a kiss on the lip, I nod my head and say, "Yeah, it's just a headache, it's normal, do not worry about it."

"Well I am worrying." He responds quickly.

"I'm fine, I promise." I tell him, "Just go on, get to the shops, get a few stuff and come back."

"Ouch." He chuckles as he places his hand of his heart, "Why are you rushing me out of my house so quick."

"I'm not." I say to him, I laugh and get up a bit, "I love you... Now go."

"Alright darling." He gives me a kiss on the forehead, "I love you too." He says as he walks out of the door.

I get it, he is very stressed out at the moment and he has told me a few times that he doesn't want to put that stress on me. I just hope he realises soon that it's not a problem, we will and we can help each other out - just if he allows me to.

Luca's POV

I wasn't lying to Valentina when I said I need to do shopping, I do, and I am... But there's also another reason. I just needed to get out of that house, I feel like I am putting out so much bad energy.

I am stressed, there's no doubt about that; I just don't want to make Valentina feel the way I am feeling right now. I want her to relax, I want her to be happy, that's all.

I look around, what should I buy?

I grab a basket, there are people looking at me - at one point that used to bother me, but now, not so much. I know I am well known - famous - or whatever, I have just got to deal with the amount of crap that goes around.

There are so many rumours, lies and gossip from people, it's unbelievable; even now I can hear a woman going on and on about my life to her husband.

I put a box of doughnuts into the basket, there's a range of different and delicious ones - glazed doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts, plain doughnuts, strawberry doughnuts... There's more and they are making my stomach rumble. I feel like eating it now...

I pick up a few other things, some drinks including Pepsi and pure orange juice, also a packet of crisps because they are absolutely necessary.

Looking at my basket once more I think it's enough for now, I just grab a packet of minty chewing gum and put that in my basket before paying for it all and then leaving the store.

Yeah, you guessed it my lovely people - the flashing cameras are back, the interviewers are shouting questions and there are fans asking for autographs - well some aren't fans, some probably don't even like me but they will still get an autograph to boast. So I sign a few autographs, put my middle finger up at a few cameras, take a few selfies and then I get into my car - that was the biggest of struggles.

The cameras are still flashing, there are still people shouting and screaming like wild animals. I start up the car and let the AC run, I take a deep breath - I am happy with myself for getting out of the house and doing something - even if it is a bit of shopping, I am always stuck up at the office, working all the damn time. I hear it enough from my dad and Val, now it's me who is actually thinking about it and agreeing with them.

Maybe one day I will feel free, happy, and not constantly so stressed out. I want to take my gorgeous wife somewhere lovely, a restaurant or even some place nice to stay. We really need to spend some time together...

Valentina's POV

I hear the keys jingling, Luca must be here, the door opens and I see him. I get up from the sofa, I have been sitting on it for an hour, doing absolutely nothing.

I give him a smile, he closes the door and puts the shopping bags on the table, "Hey Val." He says to me happily as he puts his arms around me and gives me a kiss, I hold him and kiss him back. We look at each other for a moment and he gives me a smile, "I love you so much, you know that right?" He says to me softly.

"Yeah." I smile and I start to blush, "I love you too, always and forever."

"Are you alright?" He asks me as he sits down on the sofa, I sit down next to him and lie my head down on his chest.

"I'm fine." I tell him truthfully, "How are you though? Are you alright?" I ask him, desperately wanting to know the answer.

"Yes, I'm fine." He says to me abruptly, I know he is lying; I just sigh and frown, he looks at me and closes his eyes for a second, then he looks at me sadly, "I don't know what's wrong with me." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows, "Babe, I know that you're really stressed out right now and stuff but is there something else bothering you?"

"Yeah I'm stressed." He nods his head and sighs, "I'm barely sleep, I can't eat properly and everyday just feels like I am putting up this persona... I hate it, I want to look after you, protect you and-." He tries to carry on talking but I cut him off.

"Don't Luca." I mumble, I look at him and kiss his cheek, "I love you so much, understand that, please. I don't need protecting, I just need you, I need you to look after yourself, I need you to be happy. I carry on, "You should see someone, talk to a therapist." I suggest to him, I do think it would do some good.

"I-I don't know." He stutters,"Therapists and that, it isn't really my thing."

"It's your choice." I tell him, "Or we can talk, we need to communicate more and not hide our feelings, if you're having a bad day, tell me, if I'm having a shitty ass day as well I'll tell you alright." I give him a little smile and laugh.

"Deal." He says to me and he kisses my forehead.

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