Chapter 7

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Valentina's POV

Living with Luca is basically hell. He is such a bastard, he is extremely rude and I just do not know how he can live with himself and be like that. It's torturous. It's unreal and unbearable.

The wedding is in two days, I am dreading it. I don't know how I'm going to deal with being married to this guy. He has no manners, nothing. All he has a sexy flipping face... That doesn't help. Personality matters as well and he definitely doesn't have a great sort of personality at all.

I've got my wedding dress, it's in my closet. It's so stunning, I really do love it. It's a tight fitted white dress, it's long and very elegant. I have jewellery to go with it and the makeup artist already knows how she's going to do my makeup which is very exciting.

If I was getting married to a guy I love then I would be so much happier... Obviously. If only Luca was nice and if only I loved him and he loved me back then this would be the greatest wedding ever.

There's a knock on my room door interrupting my interesting thoughts. "Come in." I say and then Luca walks in, he sits down on a chair and looks at me for a bit. Creepy, creep.

"Lu-." I start to say but then he cuts me off.

"Yeah." He says firmly, "We need to discuss a few things. Some rules."

"Rules?" I repeat as I furrow my eyebrows, "What sort of rules?" I take a deep breath.

"Well you are going to be my wife, there are things you need to follow." He says making me bite my lips harshly, don't get angry I'm telling myself right now. God, I hate following orders. "You can't tell anyone else about the deal, at all or there will be serious consequences. In public we just need to hold hands maybe, a few kisses on the cheek nothing more. No going out with other men, no-."

"Oh I get it okay." I groan, "Just please leave. I really don't feel like talking to you because every time we talk we get into an argument."

"And whose fault it that?" He asks as he rolls his eyes.

I stand up, anger is really rising up. "Look Luca, just because you're a billionaire, you've got girls swooning all over you and crap doesn't mean you can control me. Understood?"

"Oh you're such a whiny bitch." He mutters angrily, "Get over yourself." He gets up from the chair and sighs.

"Get over myself?" I chuckle, "Seriously, have you seen yourself? Everything that you do is for you. You're greedy and evil. You've got so much money, I know what my dad did was stupid but what you're doing now is on another level of-."

"Listen to me." He shouts with anger making me flinch, "I basically own you. I can take everything away from you so don't you dare defy me." He says before walking out of the room and slamming the door.

I just stand there in total shock. He can't speak to me like that. No way, I won't let that happen. He can't control me, I won't let him.

I don't know why Luca acts like this, for some odd reason it pains me. He acts so rude, bossy, arrogant and I don't know I have this feeling in my heart that it's also just a persona. It's like he is trying to prove something.

I get out of my room and then I knock on Luca's office - yeah the guy has an office in his house. He spends most of his time either in his office, clubs or charity events.

I hear no reply at all, well he obviously knows it's me knocking. I just open the door and I hear him groan.

"You here to pick another fight?" He asks with a look of annoyance on his face.

"No." I say as I sit down on a chair next to him, "I'm sorry... I know I've been, difficult. Sort of." I roll my eyes, "I'm just angry at you about the whole marriage thing. But I don't see a point in us always arguing, we're going to be with each other so we might as well try to make this work."

He looks at me and gives a sad sort of smile, "We will make this work. We don't have to be friends but we don't have to be enemies either." He says gently. I give him a nod and a smile.

"So are you going to eat dinner with me?" I ask him, "You've been literally working all day. Eat with me."

"Sure." He says, "I am pretty hungry." He gets up from his chair and so do I. We go downstairs into the living room, I sit down on the sofa.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask Luca.

"How about we order pizza?" He suggests making me smile. Pizza! Yes please.

"Yeah." I say happily, "Pizza will do just great."

"Okay." He says with a smile, "I will order the pizza."

Luca orders the pizza and then he sits down on the sofa next to me.

I really have no idea from now on what life will bring to me. I'm living with a billionaire, a guy who is in the public eye. A guy who seems to be putting on this persona.

I want to know the real Luca... That's what my mission and my goal is at this point.


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little rant - one thing I have realised on Wattpad is that them people who say shit about your book and stuff are those people who don't even write books themselves (not saying this is everyone who doesn't write books). I find it so stupid and annoying, like authors have lives as well, we make mistakes. I am not a professional writer - obviously - so if you don't like my book, babes, it is so simple CLICK OUT. I don't care if I have one less reader smh. Life is already difficult and if I get mad at you, don't blame me, its what you deserve.

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