Chapter 13

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Valentina's POV

"You didn't just say what I think you said right?" I mumble to him angrily. I stare at him dumbfounded, "No." I say to him.

"And you think you have a cho-."

"Don't you dare!" I warn him, I am so angry right now, I am absolutely furious. I get up from my chair, "What? What are you going to do?" I ask him, "Force me to have sex with you?"

"No." He says, "But you know damn well I can take everything away from you." He threatens me.

"So you're really going to stoop that f*cking low?" I ask him madly, "You're going to play that pathetic card with me?" I shake my head, I can't believe him. He is absolutely out of his mind if he thinks that I am going to carry his child. No way.

"Well I need a child." He grits his teeth, "Better chance for me to keep the club and all my other businesses."

"You're ridiculous." I tell him, "You're selfish, you want to use a baby... Just to keep your businesses?"

"Yeah." He shrugs his shoulders. Oh god. I can't even breathe right now, this guy is absolutely unbelievable and disgusting. How could he?

The maids come in with the food and they place it down on the table. It looks delicious, there is pasta but I have suddenly lost my appetite, I get my glass of water and throw it all over him. "F*ck you." I groan and I walk out.

"Well that is the way you can give me a baby!" I hear him shout...

He did not even go there. Oh my lord. 

I run upstairs and sit on my bed, tears just effortlessly fall out from my eyes and I just sit there and cry. I can't stop crying... Ugh. This isn't me!

I need to be stronger than this and not cry because it really doesn't get you anywhere.

Right, you know what. I think it's time to call an old friend. Darren Matthews. An old high school friend, we used to talk a lot before but we sort of stopped after he confessed his love for me.

We used to be like best friends, we were really close back then and when he stopped talking to me because I didn't feel the same way about him, it really hurt but I feel like I should make amends or something.

He is a nice guy, good looking but not really my type. I remember him having this sweet and innocent look, jawline, not exactly built but just a normal figure. Black hair and dark brown eyes; a lot of the girls back in high school had a crush on him. But I guess I just only saw him as a friend.

I mean surely he has moved on from loving me and well he has most likely heard about my marriage to Luca.

I still have his number... Let's give it a call.

After a few rings I hear his voice, "Hello?" He says softly. "Who is this?"

"Hey." I say after a few seconds, "It's me Valentina."

"Oh." He says, "Valentina as in the one who is now married to the infamous Luca Marino?" He says and he chuckles.

"Eh yeah that one." I mumble, "Also the one who used to go to high school with you, we were practically best friends."

"Yeah I remember, that was a long time ago."

Okay I didn't expect to call him and get a lovely reply with, Oh my god I missed you, how are you? But the way he's talking to me is just rude. Ugh.

"How are you?" I ask him.

"Good." He replies, "I'm really good, what about you? How's the rich life treating you?"

"Great." I give him a plain answer. "I was just wondering, wanna meet up at that old café we used to always go to after school?"

"You want to meet up?" He asks in a mutter, "Yeah, sure."

"What time?" I ask him as I bite my lips.

"How about in half an hour?" He suggests.

"Yeah that's fab." I say, "See you." I hang up and put my phone down.

Even though he was being very rude to me over the phone, I can't help but be excited to meet him. It's been years and I used to see this guy everyday and we haven't seen each other for so long. We ended our friendship on bad terms, I want to start our friendship again. I need someone and to be honest I do actually miss him.

He was funny, always sarcastic and we were very similar. We liked the same books, movies, TV shows. We used to enjoy going to the park together and the cinemas, I miss them times.

It feels really really long ago, sometimes it's as if those stuff didn't even happen in my life. It's weird, hard to explain as well and I just miss them times when I would do what I want, when I want. I don't like this whole controlling thing.

Oh and there's still no way that I am having a baby... Nope, not happening at all so Luca better get than idea out of his head or I'll call up a damn hit man to kill him.

I'm kidding by the way. I wouldn't go that far because I am not as insane as Luca.

Well it's time to meet my ex - old best friend. Let's go.

Who wants to have a baby with Luca?


- okay I'm going to be serious

RIP Avicii, an amazing soul, going to miss him.

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