"That lasted a good 10 seconds."

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Switches pov at one point!!

Roni pov-

I literally threw up 4 times, just from the stress I'm feeling. I probably shouldn't be stressing over a guy, but considering I just put myself into relationship with someone I have no feelings for, I'm stressed.

I should've said no, I don't even know Matty personally. I hate that at this moment I'm thinking of George, how I wish it was him.

"You okay Veronica?" My mom asks, I shake my head. "I've got a big test tomorrow, just nervous." I lie, she gives me a uncertain look. "Okay, need anything?" She asks, I shake my head as I wipe my mouth off. "You're not pregnant, are you?" She asks, I laugh. "I think being pregnant would be easier than this test." I snort, she shakes her head. "Yeah, okay." She replies before walking out.

I laid down finally, my phone flashing. George was calling me, my heart pounding viciously. I ignored his call, but go onto snapchat. I sent him a quick reply saying that I didn't answer because I've been back and forth to the toilet. His text back confused me deeply. "If you're with that boy, you can just tell me. The one that was on your story this afternoon." His message read.

My heart literally ached as I lied to him, I am so fucking stupid.

Joselyn pov-
(During Roni's date)

I was working on my English 103 paper as my phone vibrated next to me, my music stopping. I look over, Georges picture popping up, confusion crossing over me.

"Hello? Everything okay?" I ask, he groans. "No, I'm just confused." He states, I raise my eyebrows. "Why's that?" I ask, continuing to write for English. "Roni is on a date with that curly headed guy. I thought you said she liked me?" He asks rhetorically, I could hear the pain in his voice. "He's no one to worry about, it'll never happen or proceed. I do think she's like you George, maybe she just has a weird way of showing it. I can reassure that she likes you, maybe she just doesn't fully know yet." I calmly tell him, he sighs loudly. "I'll just call her later and talk to her about it, don't mention this to her. Bye Jos." He hangs up quickly before I could say anything. "Bye." I whisper under my breath.

I go on Snapchat, looking at Roni's story, I roll my eyes when I see Matty. He was sitting on her lap, she kept repeating "oh." I close it, annoyed at the fact that George is hurting as she hangs out with a fuckwipe.

———Monday at school———

I was talking to Abby about going to Mexican after school, Becca asking to come too. "I wanna come, I don't know where, but I'll go." Roni interrupts, walking into the conversation. "We're going to eat on Friday, you can come if you want." Abby says, she nods.

"So I talked to George, and- hey look it's your new best friend." I say, pointing Matty out as he is starting to walk out of the commons, he looks over suddenly. It was like Roni sparked something when they saw each other, he walked straight toward us. He engulfed her into a hug, kissing the side of her head. He pulls away, keeping her at arms length. "The bell is about to ring, I'll see you later." He says, definitely not just friends.

I look at our group, then at whatever the hell just happened in front of me. I hear the bell ring, I shove past the love fest, rolling my eyes so hard. I sip the Diet Coke in my hands, I was about to round the corner when I heard Roni yelling my name and asking me to wait up.

"You don't even have to explain, I can tell you guy are more than just friends now. Poor George, right?" I say, beginning to walk off again. "It's not like that! It was an accident, please listen Jos." She pleads, I stop again. "I've got to get to class, so explain." I command, annoyance coursing through me. "I wasn't thinking when I said yes! I didn't even say yes, I said a hesitated sure. Jos I'm scared." She whines, I shrug my shoulders. "I told you it was a bad idea." I comment before walking down the stairs toward my history class.

The class dragged on, Mr. Richly playing some boring ass video. My phone buzzed, Roni sent me a message. I was tempted not to look at it, but curiosity did kill the cat.

R: Can I just say that I've thrown up 5 times now because of this.
J: That is no good.
R: I feel bad because I don't want to date Matty, I want to date George. I didn't even mean to say yes.
J: Sorry, you should of listened to me. If you don't want to be with him, break up.
R: We just started dating yesterday afternoon, wouldn't that be awkward?
J: Awkward is better miserable.
R: Are you mad?
J: It's obvious, huh? You didn't even have the nerve to tell me, I thought we were closer than that. Either way, I just feel bad for George, he called me yesterday because he thought you were on a real date with Matty. He was upset, and I sought to comfort him when he thought y'all were a thing. Now I feel like a liar to him, so yeah I just feel annoyed.
R: I'll break up with him.
J: Good for you, I won't tell George.

Roni pov-

Feeling of vomit and desperation sink in the bottom of my stomach, Joselyn not making it any better.

I text Matty and tell him to meet me after school, I seriously need to nip this in the bud now, or it'll bite me in the ass.

I sat in my last class anxiously, what do I even say? Do I coax him, or just hit him with the truth hard?

"You okay?" Vanessa asks, I look over at her. "I'm okay, just nervous." I admit, she frowns. "I'm sorry, I was just making sure because you've been staring off in space all class period." She says, I nod. "Yeah I'm fine though, thanks." I smile kindly, she nods and starts packing her bag up.

I hear the bell ring, everyone quickly leaving. I lag behind, shuffling my way out to meet Matty in the hallway, hands shaking with nerves.

"Hey sweet girl, what's up?" I hear Matty behind me, I turn around. "We need to break up." I state, fast and breezy I guess. "Wait, what?" He asks, sounding aghast. "I didn't really mean to say yes, we really don't know each other that well. Maybe we can learn more by being friends, then see where it goes." I offer, he nods. "That sounds good, I'm sorry." He says, I sigh in relief. "It's okay, I'm sorry too." I apologize, he gives me a hug. "Friends?" He asks rhetorically. "Friends." I confirm.

I walked away from him, heading toward the exit, I see Joselyn pushing the door open. "Hey wait up!" I call out, speed walking toward the door. "Hey." She says once I meet up, she sounded disappointed still.

"I broke up with Matty." I tell her, she nods. "That's good for you. That lasted a good 10 seconds." She remarks sarcastically. "I'm sorry for making you upset. It's just that it happened so quick, you shouldn't have to lie to George. I'll talk to him soon I promise." I say, she doesn't say anything.

We make it to her car, she gives me a skeptical look. "Are we done with this subject, because I'd like to drop it and just eat some Mac n cheese." She says while throwing her backpack in the trunk. "Thank god, my house in 15?" I ask, she nods. "Meet you there." She replies, I smile.

At least this friendship is more salvageable than Matty's and I.

What a nice update... not. Was pretty lame, my apologies. Probably some mistakes bc I'm hella tired.

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