"What a great mom friend."

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"Hi, I'm Roni. This is Joselyn, also known as Jos." I introduce myself to Lucy's husband and her to them both. We all share our hellos.

"So, you're taking phlebotomy classes?" Lucy asks while sipping her drink, she nods. "I only have 5 more weeks of it, I'll apply for that instead of being a cna nurse on the geriatric floor." She explains and Lucy smiles. "Hm, so will you be there when I go into labor? You'll be hooking me up to an IV?" Lucy asks and Joselyns eyes widen.

"Holy shit, you're pregnant?" Joselyn says and I look at her. "That's what I said too!" I say and Lucy's husband laughs. "Trust me, she was tiny before she was pregnant, now she's just got a pudge. I love her anyways." Danny says as he leans over to kiss her cheek. Jos and I are basically swooning over them.

"Hell, I look pregnant everyday." Jos jokes and I shove her slightly. "Don't say that." I demand and she raises an eyebrow. "Anyways, I would only be in your room to put in an iv if the nurses weren't capable enough to find a vein." Jos explains and Lucy smiles. "Hm, maybe I'll special request you." She says.

"So, you're going to Belmont this fall?" Danny asks and we both nod. "I'm going to be a live sound engineer, I like what Lucy does but I wanna be in the concerts." I tell him, he nods. "Well, I'm actually the event setup crew for the concert hall downtown, I love the concerts." He says and I burst with excitement. "No way! I bet you've met so many famous people and been to amazing concerts." I claim and he nods slowly.

"I've seen some of the greatest, you seem like someone who'd enjoy that job as a sound engineer. You'd do good." He responds and I smile gratefully. "I appreciate that, thanks." I utter. "Would you want to help me one day, I'd let you pick the concert?" He suggests and my heart pounds. "Of course! Wow, thanks so much." I blush with happiness. "Yeah no problem!" He says.

The waitress comes and puts our food in front of us. "So, any hot band members?" Jos asks which makes me laugh obnoxiously. "You guys are truly best friends, almost the same person." Lucy laughs. "Hm, I'm intrigued to know the answer." Danny says and sits up a little.

"Ah don't be jealous, you are the father to my child. Anyways, they're all single except for the bassist. I think you'd be cute with the guitarist." She suggests and Jos simply shrugs. "How do people even date? Like when do you feed them? Or walk them? Or like let them pee?" Jos asks and Danny chokes on his food.

"Well, they're not pets." I laugh and eat a few bits of my tamale. "Eh, they are a lot of work though." Lucy admits. "Hey!" Danny exclaims and we all laugh. "It's not that bad, I mean I can put up with him." Lucy says and I chuckle. "Can't be too bad." Jos jokes. "Hm, I sense that I'm being ganged up on." Danny frowns.

"I think the drummer is hot, so I call dibs." I say and Jos laughs. "Well okay, I won't steal your drummer. I mean you are obsessed with them; George, Ashton Irwin, this drummer, hell there's probably another band there that you're in love with the drummer." Jos laughs and Lucy's eyes widen. "Do you have like magic powers? Like are you a witch?" Lucy asks while leaning forward. "Only on the weekends." Jos says and I snort.

"Yes, there was another drummer but he was engaged." I explain and she nods. "Is that true?" Danny asks and I nod. "So you guessed that?" He questions and I nod again. "Holy shit, you're a wizard Joselyn." He jokes and we all burst out in laughter.

"This is too much for me." Lucy says and sips her water. "Me too honestly." I say and shake my head. "I think we're pretty awesome." Jos says and sticks her hand out for a high five from Danny. "Heck yeah!" He cheers and high fives her. "This is too much, we gotta go." Lucy jokes. "Let's do it." I say and fake getting up.


"I like them." Jos says as she throws her purse on the table. "Yeah me too, I can't believe she's pregnant!" I exclaim and she gasps. "I know! She's so small for a pregnant lady who is due in 2 months." Jos says as she pulls her hair out of its tight pony tail.

"So, tell me about your little drummer boy." Jos demands as I collapse myself into the beanbag. "I haven't really spoke to him, but he's in a band named COIN. His name is Ryan and he's like adorable." I explain and she smiles.

"So, are you going to talk to him?" She asks and I shrug. "I'm a shy bean, you know this." I joke. She sips her wine slowly. "Just talk about their album, make friends with them and we can invite them over." She demands and I nod. "Fine, only if you get more wine from random guy. Also, where did you find him and is he cute?" I ask and she smirks.

"I work with him, he's 30 and engaged to a man. So, he cute but not into me. He offered to buy it for me because I covered his shift." She explains and I smile. "Hell yeah, cover more shifts!" I exclaim and she rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I'm going to bed, I have to go in to work at 10 am. Night bestie, I love you." Jos says and hands me the rest of her wine. "Night." I say and chug it.

My back pocket begins to vibrate and I pull my phone out of it. George's name pops on the screen and my heart almost jumps out of my chest cavity. "Joselyn!" I yell and follow in pursuit behind her. "What? What's wrong?" She asks frantically and I wave my phone in front of her face. "George is calling! What do I do?" I ask and she drags me in her room. "Answer it and put it on speaker!" She demands.

G: Hello?
R: Hey, what's up?
G: I was calling in to check on you.
R: Why? You're the one who broke up with me?
G: Hey don't be like that.
R: What do you expect? You broke my heart George.
G: I called to apologize for how it went down a few weeks ago, I don't want to lose our friendship. Plus, it's awkward between all three of us. I say three because I know Jos is probably in the room.
R: I can forgive you George, but it still hurts.
G: I can deal with that, but I just want it to be the three amigos again.
R: Fine. I've got to go, bye.

"What the hell!" Jos exclaims when I hang up. "I don't know why he called, I feel worse now honestly." I admit and she nods.

"You did good, I'm proud. You stood your ground and did amazing. Honestly if we don't talk to him, we'll be okay. You're still heartbroken and you're doing amazing at your new job, so don't let this affect you. Okay?" She counters and I nod. "I won't let it affect me, I'm in Nashville and I'm being the best me." I enthusiastically reply. "Exactly! Great!" She says and leans over to hug me. "Now, go to bed because I'm tired and you're on my bed." She shoos me off. "Fine, bye bitch." I laugh and head to my room.

My thoughts pile in as I lay in the silent bedroom. I did miss George and I knew he wanted to be friends, but I honestly thought he was the one for me. We were friends for years and we let a short relationship kill it for us. I honestly don't know if I can just be friends with somebody who broke my heart.

I hear someone clear their throat, so my thoughts finally come to a halt."So, I figured you can't sleep because of the phone call. C'mon, follow me." Jos says and I roll off the bed. "Thanks best friend." I say and crawl into her bed. "No problem." She says and covers the both of us up. "What a great mom friend." I mutter and close my eyes.


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