"I love clothes shopping, I love Nashville, and I love you man."

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Roni pov-

"God why does the drive to Nashville take forever!" Joselyn yells, I laugh. "It's only 3 hours, dumbass." I tell her, she frowns. "But like, that's forever." She whines, leaning her head against the window.

"I'm glad we got those two armchairs, I liked them." I change the subject. "Yeah, me too. How are we going to get them here exactly? She asks, I shrug. "My dad is driving his truck here when we move, so he can put them in the back." I explain, she nods. "Sounds good to me. How far away are we?" She asks, I look at the clock and my gps. "About 40 minutes." I say, she sighs tiredly. "Is it okay if I take a quick nap?" She asks, I laugh.

"Why are you asking me?" I ask, she sighs again. "I don't know, wake up when we're closer." She says, closing her eyes tightly.


"So this is really cute." I say, sitting on the light blue loveseat. "It is, but will it match our arm chairs?" She asks, I frown. "No." I mumble.

We continued to look around, seeing a light gray loveseat in the very back. "Roni, I think this one is really good!" Joselyn calls me over, I go to look with her. We both sit on it, bouncing slightly. "You guys are in luck! That couch has been sitting back here for a while, so I'm willing to cut you two young ones a deal." The salesman says. He stands over us, Jos and I share a 'fuck yeah' look.

"Originally the couch cost 280, but because it's been sitting here for a while, I'll give it to you for 180; tax taken off too." He says, we look at each other again. "Can you give us a second?" Jos asks kindly, he nods and walks to the counter.

"I think we should do it." I say, she nods. "Definitely, we can split it 90-90." She suggests, I smile. "Let's go!" I exclaim, standing up off the couch. We walk to the counter, paying for our new couch.

"We offer free in home installation, would you be interested in that?" He asks, we nod. "So it's free?" Jos restates, he hands us a piece of paper. "Completely free, just sign this and put your address down. Are you two free for tomorrow morning at 10?" He questions, typing on the computer as we sign off the papers. "Yes, we can do that." I assure him, sliding the papers to him.

"Okay, well thank you so much!" Joselyn says with a bright smile. "Yes! Thank you!" I repeat, he smiles back. "No problem, have a good day ladies." He says, we walk out of the furniture store.

"I say we find some places to work at, that's always a good thing to search for." Jos suggests when we get into the car. "I agree, I really want to work at a studio. Can you look up some places near our apartment?" I ask, pulling out into the traffic. She types a little, giving me quick directions.

"There's one called Iconic Records, they have all type of services." She says, I smile. "It's really called that?" I question, she chuckles. "Yep, it's owned by Randy Lewis, apparently he has connections with all kinds of artists. He signs 2 bands or artists every 6-8 months, does studio time, produces their album, and then finds them a tour with someone. He's a single widow, has a son, and is currently worth a lot of money." She rants, I turn my head towards her.

"Do you have his social security number too?" I joke, she rolls her eyes. "No, but his sons name is Issac." She rebuttals, I laugh. "I think I found it." I state, pulling into the free parking spot, a bitch is too poor for the meters.

"Want to come in with me, I'm nervous." I say, she nods and unbuckled herself too. We cross the street carefully, she holds the door open for me. A friendly receptionist was sitting at the desk when we walked in.

"How can I help you two pretty girls?" She asks, we smile kindly. "We're moving down here shortly, I was wondering if you guys were hiring?" I nervously ask. "Yes we are hiring assistants, this job is not too stressful and promotions are available. Would you both like an application?" I ask, Jos shakes her head. "Just me, thank you." I smile, she hands me a thick packet.

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