"I mean if it was anyone else I would be fine, but him!"

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No. No no no no no. No. He was not supposed to be here, standing in the same club as us, all the way in fucking Nashville. "Hello? What are you staring at? Which guy and where?" Joselyn snaps her fingers and I release my breath. "Look towards the end." I demand and her eyes follow mine. "Holy shit."

He literally felt like a figure of my imagination, but I couldn't stop staring. "Stop looking before he notices and comes over here. I don't want to even hear his voice." Jos says and I turn back to her.

"Why is he here? We are in Nashville, this was our escape." I say and she groans. "I mean if it was anyone else I would be fine, but him! Why?" Jos groans. "God, just when you get a break from your high school problems, Matty Healy shows up." I whine and motion for the bartender to come near. "Something extremely strong. Please." I plead and the bartender nods before walking off.

"Here's your Everclear Cocktail, strongest thing we've got." He says and lays the drink in front of me. I sip on it and instantly feel the alcohol on my tastebuds. "Yep, definitely strong." I say and pass it to her. "Damn." She says and takes another sip.

"Well imagine running into you two here." His voice cuts over the music, my heart drops out of my ass. Jos and I both turn in our barstools slowly. "Matty!" I sound fake enthused. "Hello dear, always nice to see you." He says and leans in for a hug, I pat his back awkwardly.

"Ah, like a std... can't get rid of you." Joselyn says while sipping my drink. "Joselyn, never nice to see you." He says and she rolls her eyes.

"What brought you to Nashville?" I ask and he takes a seat next to me. "You actually did." He states and my eyes almost pop out of my head. "I did?" I sounded in between shocked and intrigued.

"We had that nice talk and you were saying how I should follow my dreams, never let anything stop it. Most importantly, getting out of our hometown." He explains and I nod. "So poetic." Jos sneers and I elbow her.

"Totally. Anyways, I'm glad you're doing your thing. How's Nashville so far?" I ask and he sighs. "Love the city and I just got a new job." He says and I nod. "Where at?" I ask and he smiles. "Iconic Records, I'm the new intern." He explains and Jos gives me a look of amusement.

"How exciting, Roni where do you work?" Jos asks and I grimace at her. "I also work at Iconic Records, I'm a sound engineer/intern for one." I say and he grins. "So we're coworkers, amazing. Now I won't have to eat alone at lunch. Anyways, I actually went there to audition kind of." He states and I raise my eyebrows. "Explain."

"Went there to get a record deal for going solo. They said I had an amazing voice and guitar talent, but they would rather see me in a band. However, since I don't know anyone looking for a band member and neither do they, they said no. Then I saw the open interview sign on the way out and said screw it, might as well." He rambles and I nod. "Well, I'm glad you've got a job. They are all amazing people." I state.

"So where are you staying?" I ask and he makes a face. "My car, I park it a little bit out of town so no one will kill me." He tells me and my heart breaks. "No way! I'm so sorry." I say and all I wanted to do was offer our apartment to him, however Joselyn might disagree. I turn to her and she was staring off into space.

"Jos, what do you think?" I ask and she snaps back into it. "About what? I stopped listening at 'so we're coworkers.' What happened?" She asks and I roll my eyes. "He's living in his car." I say and she sips her new drink. "And?" She asks and I smack her arm. "We can't let him sleep in his car in Nashville. Can he stay with us? Only for a couple nights." I suggest and she grimaces. "Him?" She rhetorically asks.

"How would you feel if it was someone like my little brother roaming Nashville and had nowhere to stay?" I ask and she pouts. "Don't bring him into this, at least I can stand him." She groans. "I'm right here guys." Matty says with a little wave. "Shhh, we're talking." Jos slurs.

"Please, just a couple of nights." I plead. "Fine. Only a couple of nights, he makes my blood pressure high and that gives me migraines, I don't need any extra pressure." She rambles and I nod.

"Welcome roommate." I say and he gives me a high five. He asks the bartender for two Fireball shots. "Cheers roomie." He cheers and we clink our glasses.

This is short but expect more soon.

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