"Listen, he's too hot not to invite over."

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Roni pov-

I roll off Joselyns bed and stumble my way into the kitchen. "I'm always mildly surprised when you wake up before noon." Joselyn says and turns down the tv from her spot on the loveseat.

"I'm always mildly surprised when you're not napping by noon." I reply while turning on our Keurig that we had got as a graduation gift. "Well you've got me there." She says and rolls off the couch. "What's up with the nice outfit? Are you going on a date?" I scream and she scrunches up her face.

"If by date you mean going out to study with some of the kids in my phlebotomy class, then yes; I'm going on a date." She says and grabs a banana from the counter.

"Ah, nothing like needle lovers gathering, it's like smart heroin addicts." I joke and she bursts out in laughter. "I hate you." She mutters and bites into her banana. "So you're not working today?" She asks and I shake my head. "Lucy wasn't feeling good last night and called to tell me she was going to the drs today so she told me to stay home." I explain while pouring half n half in my coffee.

"So what time is your heroin gathering?" I ask and stir in sugar. "About an hour and a half." She says and throws the banana peel away. "I know you're about to leave to go to heroin anonymous and I'm such a lazy ass, but can you make me a grilled cheese?" I whine and pout my lips. "Ugh, fine." She groans and I cheer.

"I'll gather the material." I say and put my coffee down to search for the bread. She grabs a pan from the cabinet and sets it on the stove. "Butter?" She asks while sticking out her hand. I reach in the fridge and grab it, then pass it off to her. I hear the sizzling of the butter and I hurry to find the cheese.

"Bread?" She asks and I hand her the slices. She lathers them in butter and the sticks then on the pan. "Cheese?" She says and I put them in her outstretched hand. She flips the sandwich around and lets it sit in the pan. "How burnt?" She asks and grabs a plastic plate. "Just like a little." I say and she nods, tossing the grilled cheese on the plate.

"Thank you so much." I say while she hands it to me. "God, I am turning into a mom." She whispers to herself and turns off the stove then places the pan in the sink.

"Well, let's have a sit." I say and she quirks an eyebrow. "A sit?" She asks and I nod. "Yes." I say and pat the empty seat beside me.

"So, what time are you coming home?" I ask and she chuckles. "Are you a mom now?" She asks and I frown. "Hey I just want to make sure you're gonna be here and get here okay." I pout. "I'll be home around 2 o'clock." She states and sips her Diet Coke.

"Okay good, we're going to target." I say and chew my food slowly. "What?" She says and I shrug. "It's facts, we're going to target." I state and she chuckles. "Um, okay. Can I just ask why? We don't really need anything." She tells me and I snort.

"Who really goes to target to shop for one specific thing? You go in hopeful and come out with debt." I joke but it was partially true. "I'm always down for a target run, but may I ask why?" She questions and I shrug again.

"I just miss us time, life is starting to kick in. You're always working and I'm always at the studio, plus you're gonna be super bored after your heroin meet up." I explain and she nods. "Okay, sounds perfect. I'll just meet you in town so I won't have to waste gas." She says and I nod. "Yay! I fricking love target." I shout and high five her.

"Okay that reminds me, I gotta stop for gas first actually, so imma head out. Bye girl, I'll see you at Target around 2ish." She says and stands up from the loveseat. "Be careful, those heroin addicts might want to poke you." I yell out. "We're not heroin addicts, well not all of us. Anyways, bye." She says and walks out the door.


I finish straightening the ends of my hair and put on my ball cap. I try to find the lightest shirt because it's hotter than balls in Nashville.

I hear a knocking at the door and my eyebrows quick upwards. We haven't really had guests in the house yet. I quickly put on a crop top and run to the door. "Coming!" I yell and take a deep breath in before I open it.

I pull the door open and see Ryan standing there. "Hello?" I say almost dumbfounded. "Hey, sorry to randomly stop by." He tells me and I nod slowly. "Don't get me wrong, we always love a house guest, but how'd you find me here?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Lucy gave me your address." He says and I scrunch my face up. "But I didn't give Lucy my address." I state and he laughs. "She stole your employment records before she asked you to come sit in the studio with us, we actually helped her sneak them out of someone's desk." He explains and I laugh too.

"So it was very nonchalant that a pregnant lady and 4 guys surrounding a desk wasn't noticeable?" I ask and he shrugs. "What can I say, no one messes with a pregnant lady." He jokes. I forget that he's randomly at my house and that I've never had a formal conversation with him; also he is just standing on my doorstep.

"So, what brought you here?" I ask awkwardly. "My car." He jokes and I roll my eyes. "Nice, well played." I commend. "Anyways, Lucy asked me to give you this sheet on how to do whatever the fuck she does. Plus, she wanted you to have our cd that they'll be playing at the meeting in two days." He says and hands me the items.

"Oh, wow okay. "Why is this relevant to me?" I ask and he frowns. "I mean you kinda work under her now, we should be relevant." He pouts. "No not like that! I meant like how am I relevant enough to get this stuff? I'm not that cool." I panic at my previous choice of words.

"That's a lie, you're pretty cool. Plus, Lucy really likes you and wants to take you under her wing." He comforts and I shrug. "Eh I'm okay. Anyways, I really hate to cut this short but I need to meet someone in town. I'll walk you out, just give me a second." I say and jog to my room to get my phone and wallet. I grab the keys to the house and guide him off the porch as I lock the door.

"Thank you for stopping by, if you talk to Lucy let her know I appreciate it. If you guys ever wanna hang out here, stop by anytime, we never have guests." I say and he grins. "I'll keep that in mind, I'll see you at the studio." He says and gets into his car.


"There you are, I thought you were standing me up." Joselyn sighs as I poke her side. "Never would I stand up my wife." I gasp and grab a cart.

"What took you so long? Usually you're super anal about time schedules?" She asks and I laugh. "We had a house guest." I admit and she quirks an eyebrow. "Oh god, who?" She asks and I chuckle. "Ryan, the hot drummer from COIN." I grin and her eyes widen.

"Holy fuck! Why?" She asks and puts some Pringles in the cart. "Lucy wanted me to have their cd and some tips on her job. It's pretty damn cool." I explain. "Damn, that's amazing. I'm glad you're doing well with that job and their band." She smiles and I pick up some cookies.

"Well, you'll be happy to know that I actually grew a set and invited him and his friends over whenever they felt like coming." I proudly state. "Wow, my little child is growing up." She swoons.

"Listen, he's too hot not to invite over." I exclaim. "Well, never seen him, but I feel that." She says and we stop to look at the clearance items. "So, how was the study group?" I ask and examine some owl shaped lamp. "It was fine, we're about 4 weeks away from certification." She explains and throws some half priced conditioner into the basket.

"Nice nice, aren't we just growing up?" I ask and we walk towards the makeup. "I feel like everyone else's lives are moving so much faster than mine and I'm stuck in slow motion." She says and I frown. "I'm sorry but I disagree. You're doing great sweetie." I laugh and she shrugs.

"Thanks, but I'm glad we're in Nashville together." She smiles finally. "You're right, we need to check out before we spend this months rent." I say and she nods. "I'm glad we spent some time at the OG target." She comments. "Amen." I repeat and we find an empty cash register.



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