"C'mon, one night won't hurt."

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Roni pov-

"I'm going to miss you two girls." My mom says, hugging us both. "Yeah, who else would annoy me and steal all the Mac n cheese?" My dad chimes in, also hugging us both.

"You guys don't let strangers in and no boys allowed." Joselyns dad jokes, I smile. "No promises." I laugh. "Make sure ya call every now and then, life will be tough on your own. We're all here for you, all 4 of us." Her mom says, kissing both of our cheeks.

"We can't forget about y'all, we love you guys. Now go before I start to cry or move back home." Jos says, shooing them out. "Here's 50 bucks for groceries, take it." Dad hands it to me, I smile gratefully. "Bye guys, love you!" Jos and I both yell as they close the door.

We hear them drive off, holy shit we're functioning adults. "We're adults now, my dude." Jos says, bumping my shoulder. "We need to grocery shop." I tell her. "See, you already sound like an adult." She jokes.

"I say we go somewhere cheap like Krogers or some shit." She adds, I nod. "Perfect." I agree and grab the keys.


"I'd rather die than to make 2 trips." I groan, carrying a lot of bags. "Me too." She tells me, also carrying a ton of bags.

"Man 50 bucks goes a long way when you're at Kroger's." I tell her, she nods and puts some groceries in the fridge. "Well enjoy because it'll probably be the last time we have a fridge full." She laughs, closing the fridge.

My phone started to vibrate violently on the counter. It was an unknown caller but it had a Nashville area code.

"Hello?" I answer unsurely. "Hi, this is Laura from Iconic Records. We are reviewing your application from last weekend and we were hoping to have an interview. I know this is very sudden, but we were wondering if you were available for 5 o'clock?" She asks, I look at the time on the stove clock. 4:17. "Yes, I'll be there shortly." I say,  she hangs up quickly.

"Holy fuck." I whisper. "What's wrong?" Jos asks and I sigh. "I've got an interview with Iconic Records at 5. Help." I exclaim excitedly. "Let's get dressed, cmon." She says, dragging me down the hall to my room.

"These palazzo pants are fancy enough for an interview and this shirt is plain white, so you will look elegantly chic." Jos says, pulling clothes out of my closet. "What would I do without you?" I mumble while starting to undress and change into the outfit she picked out.

"Okay, I'm going to do your hair in a low pony and have a few pieces pulled out. You're hair was straightened this morning so this won't take long." She says, combing back my long brown hair. She pulls on the ponytail lightly, then pulls the pieces out of the front.

"Okay, now I'm going to put minimal makeup on. Considering you already have natural beauty. So, a little powder, mascara, and lipgloss will do." She says while running to the bathroom and comes back with those 3 items. She does it quickly and claps her hand. "You're ready to make Nashville shook, let's go." She says, pulling me off of the bed. "It's 4:30, 15 minute drive because of traffic, so I mean it'll put me there 15 minutes early." I say, grabbing my wallet and keys.

"If you're not 15 minutes early, you're late. So go. Now." She demands while snapping her fingers. "Okay, wish me luck." I say, she smiles. "You don't need luck, you're gonna get the job. Now go." She says, I run out of the door.


"So, you like music and want to be projected into it?" Laura asks and I nod. "Yes, a lot of my friendships were based on music. I spent most of my high school career in a concert venue and I even had a internship at a radio station. I really enjoy being able to express myself through someone else's musical abilities." I honestly reply.

"So, what is it that Iconic Records has to offer that makes you want the job?" She asks. "I like the thought of being able to see bands or artist come in and express their feelings and emotions through song. Everyone is different, so being here would help me experience that. I want to be a live audio/sound engineer, so I feel as though this job will give me satisfaction in that field." I say, she smiles slightly.

"So, I usually have a second interview, but we really need to fill this spot of an intern. I know it won't be the job you're wanting, but you can easily be promoted if you stick out. So, you've got the job Veronica, I like you." Laura says, sticking her hand out to me. "Thank you so much, when do I start?" I question.

"Does tomorrow afternoon work?" She asks and I nod. "We'll see you here tomorrow. Our apparel here is very laid back, I mean don't look like you've just been drug up from under a bridge. So, look comfy but cute." She tells me, I nod. I can do this.

"See you tomorrow." I say, waving shortly. "Tomorrow at 1, yes." She says, waving too.


"Hm, it smells really good in here." I say, walking into the house. "Well, I decided to make you a nice dinner, considering you just got a job." She says, smiling sweetly.

"How'd you know I got the job?" I ask curiously, popping a grape into my mouth, she had them sitting out on the counter.

"You're not crying, so I just figured." She says, I punch her arm. "Ow!" She says, grinning lightly. "What if I didn't get the job and you made all this?" I question. "I would of called it the pity dinner." She admits, shrugging lightly.

"I'm so proud of you though, that's why I've made you some pasta with a side of your favorite garlic bread." She says cheerfully, pulling 2 plates out of the cabinet.

"Yes! Thank you so much." I say, hugging her side quickly. "No problem, I'm just proud of you." She says happily. "Thank you." I say, taking a bite of my food. "Wow, I'm glad you can cook because I sure as hell can't." I murmur, eating my food quickly.


I tossed and turned in my bed, I felt uncomfortable just because I wasn't used to the whole living on my own thing.

I mean this is the first night on our own and it's so quiet throughout the house. It was weird to be alone.

I sigh, kicking the covers off of me quickly. I sneak into Joselyns room because I just needed to feel validated. "Jos?" I whisper, she turns her head to me. "Are you okay?" She asks, I nod.

"I'm just lonely, it's weird that this is our first night as adults and alone." I say, she nods. "I agree, it does feel weird for sure." She mumbles. "Sorry for coming in, I was a little scared." I whisper-yell. I wasn't like scared like a monster under my bed; it was more of I am now an adult and have to start work soon, I will have bills piling up and I can't sleep.

She doesn't say anything as she raises the covers on the other side. "C'mon, one night won't hurt." She says, I jump in bed next to her. "Thanks roomie, you're the best." I say, she nods and closes her eyes, as do I.

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