"you know my common sense stops working at 11."

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Roni pov-

"I can't wait until we're in Nashville, worrying about rent and not about boys." I tell Joselyn, she just smiled. "I'm not worried about any boys. The key to success is to stay single, and to not date for 3 hours minimum." She jokes, I roll my eyes. "I can't help that I said yes!" I exclaim, she gives me deadpan expression.

"I can think of plenty of ways to say no. So, that was dumb." She tells me, I sigh. "Well, you care about your little crush." I point out, she scrapes the bottom on her macaroni cup. "Just like you said, a little crush. I don't have to worry about anything, we aren't together, and we'll never be together. You and George would work, if you didn't date a twat for a few hours." She snaps back, I put my head in my palms.

"Listen, I want to be with George. He hasn't answered my snapchats all day, so that is not my fault." I argue, she shakes her head. "If you didn't give him a reason to ignore you, you wouldn't be in this situation." She gripes, I rub my eyes.

"I know!" I exclaim, feeling overwhelmed from how shitty everything had been turning out recently. "Okay, lets calm our titties. George will come around, I'll talk to him tonight and see what's his deal. It's going to be okay, just don't flip out on me for feeling sorry for George." She says, standing up with her trash, walking it to the bin.

I start to feel bad for snapping, but I just can't handle the thought of losing George over someone like Matty. "I don't mean to snap, it's just weird to think I have a crush on George and fear losing him because I can't imagine my life without him." I groan, she nods. "It's fine. I understand." She states, sitting back down.

"What are you gonna say to him?" I ask, she shrugs. "I won't say that you dated Matty for sure, I'll just ask why he's ignoring you." She tells me, I nod. "Sounds good." I say, she smiles softly. "I know, nothing too much." She says, grabbing her keys from the tray. "I've got to get home, got a big essay due for MNA." She explains, standing up. "Bye, be careful." I say. She waves me off. "I will. See you tomorrow, Bitch." She says, walking out the garage door.

Joselyn pov-

*incoming FaceTime*

"Hey George!" I say with a smile, waving quickly. "Hey Jos, how are you?" He asks, I shrug. "I'm fine, a little lonely. You?" I ask, he puts his head down. "Lonely and upset, what's new." He sighs, I frown. "Tell me what's up, my dude." I demand, he finally looks back at the screen.

"Is Veronica dating that curly headed boy?" He asks, I chuckle. "No, she's not. They're just friends, and that's all it will ever be. Promise." I lie to him, he smiles. "Good, then I don't feel too bad." He beams, I fake smile. "Are you okay? Your smile seems a little forced." He sounded concerned, I shrug. "It's nothing, I promise." I lie, he gives me a look.

"It's something Jos, what's wrong?" He asks again, I drop my head this time. "I feel unwanted, my friends don't give a flying fuck about me, my parents argue too much and it's annoying, and my job is driving me insane. It's nothing really, I'm fine." I say with tears brimming my eyes.

"It'll all get better, my dude." He says, I chuckle. "What a guy thing to say." I joke, he smiles. "See, there's a smile. I should get off of here, I need to call Roni soon, I usually do around this time." He says, I smile. "Tell her I said hi. Bye George, talk to you soon." I say, he waves quickly. "Bye Joselyn." The picture of him clicks off.

"Joselyn! Do the dishes!" My mom yells from the living room, I roll my eyes. "I'm writing an essay, get Katelyn to do it!" I yell back, I hear my mom groan. God I can't wait to get out of this house.

I woke up to my alarm blaring next to me, mna essay and book scattered across my bed. I must of fell asleep while doing my horrible ass homework.

I roll off the bed, going straight to the bathroom. I go pee, then brush my teeth, and wipe the crusty, left over mascara off my eyes.  I make my way back to my room, sitting at my makeup vanity. I put on minimal foundation, looking at my reflection in the mirror, sighing in disgust. "Why do I even try?" I ask myself, going to my closet.

I pick out a pair of jeans and pretty sweater, it's supposed to be 40 degrees. Ah, nice February weather. Some days it's 70, other days it's like walking in Antarctica.

Just as I finally get ready to leave, I pick up my phone, turns out I have plenty of messages to read.

4 missed calls from Roni
2 missed FaceTimes from Roni
1 missed FaceTime from George
Roni: I've done something stupid, send help.
Roni: best friend please.
Roni: Bitch I need help, I've mistaked.
George: you didn't have to lie to me.
George: answer your phone, we need to talk.
George: I can't believe you two.
Roni: well, why you are getting your beauty sleep, dumb hoe, I am dying.

Definitely need to start checking this more. I text Roni quickly, asking her what the fuck is going on, she says she'll tell me at school. I text George the same thing, even though I know he doesn't wake up til noon.

I was mistaken when I had an incoming call from George pop up on my phone. I answer it, closing my front door behind me.
J: Hello?
G: what the actual fuck.
J: what's up your ass at 7 am?
G: you know exactly what's fucking wrong.
J: obviously not, I'm really confused.
G: it would've been nice to get the whole truth from someone I've considered a best friend. Especially the person I tell my feelings to about her best friend.
J: it would've been nice to know what you're talking about, and if you'd calmly take it down 7 notches.
G: Roni told me that she dated that curly headed twat, would've been nice to hear.
J: wait, she told you?
G: yea, and you didn't. How nice.
J: it wasn't my place to tell you George, I'm not the one who has feelings for you. At least they're not dating now, and she has feelings for you. Get over yourself, damn.

I hang up, and come to a stop sign. I look down to see a text from George, something about an apology. I put my phone down, continuing my way to school.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask Roni as she's making her way towards me. "I goofed, I told George about dating Matty. I thought that he should know because it was like 1 am, and you know my common sense stops working at 11." She spiels, I face palm.

"Trust me, I talked to a very upset George at 7 am. He is upset with me for lying? Ain't my fault." I tell her, she smacks her head repeatedly. "He hates me, and this is all my fault. I hate me!" She exclaims, I shake my head. "He'll come around, at least he knows the truth." I concur, she nods. "Yeah, at least the truth is out." She drops her head.

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