"Well you're still here so I would say no."

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Luckily everything blew over with Matty by the time he came home from work that day, but I could tell Jos and him were on edge with each other. It's been almost a week already, so I didn't understand the anger at him. Joselyn wasn't very fond of the way Matty decided to act, which it doesn't help that they dislike each other anyways, but there was like an unsettling tension in the house.

I mean yeah, Matty's an absolute over-dramatic asshole when angry, but he wasn't horrible. Sometimes I didn't understand her disproval in Matty, but must be internal.

"Can you please stop chewing so fucking loud?" Jos snips at him and I raise my eyebrows. "What's wrong with my chewing? Nothing. So calm your tits." He replies and if Jos was a cartoon character I'm pretty sure she'd have steam barreling out of her ears.

"You're not going to talk to me that way honey, oh hell no." She raises her voice slightly, I give her a look and she stared back with the same amount of intensity. "You don't have the right to stay in our apartment that we are currently paying for, and get to talk to me like that. Hell no." She continues and I mentally facepalm myself.

"I can pay you guys if that's what you're angry about." He snaps and she gives him a look. "You know exactly what I'm angry about, don't you Matty? Anyways, save you're money so you can get out of here quicker." She sasses and my eyes widen.

"Okay enough! Enough Joselyn, your stupid feud with Matty is becoming illogical. Just let it rest!" I finally yell over the two of them bickering. Jos gives me one look before she throws her dish into the sink and stomps off to her room. "You only give a fuck about him because he gives you sexual pleasure, but sex doesn't pay rent or pay for our groceries." She yells and I roll my eyes.

"What the fuck is up her ass?" He asks and I shrug. "Just give her time to cool off, lay low." I say and he nods. "Whatever." He says and continues to eat his food.


Week before

Jos pov-

"Veronica, I'm home and brought some stuff from McDonald's!" I yell through the house and I didn't hear her running out of her door like I expected. I put the bag down on the table. "Roni?" I ask as I make my way towards her room. I start to hear moans and I realize that those bitches ain't coming out for a while. I shake my head and turn back around, ah sexually actively teens.

The volume was loud enough to distract the god awful noises and I just sat on the couch to eat my chicken nuggets.

After a few minutes, I hear Roni's door open. "Roni, there are chicken nuggets on the table for you if you're done rendezvousing." I joke and I don't hear a reply. "Roni?" I ask and turn around, there was a girl there in her underwear and it wasn't Veronica.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask and stand up quickly. Matty comes out of the room quickly after. "Joselyn, you're home early." Matty says and I roll my eyes. "Hm, seems that way." I sass and the girl runs into Roni's room and comes out a few minutes later, now clothed and scurrying out of the front door.

"Okay you can't tell Roni!" He says and I give him a look. "Why is that?" I ask and he groans. "You can't tell her because I like her and you telling her would ruin that." He says. I look between him, Veronica's room, and the front door where the girl just left after having sex with him. "Yeah, sure!" I roll my eyes, I walk past him to go to the bathroom. Honestly, that was the crappiest lie because I could tell he was saying that to divert my anger. Plus, he was fucking someone in her room, like who does that?

When I come back out, he was still in his spot. "What Matty?" I ask as I shove past him. "You can't tell her." He demands and I laugh. "She's my best friend, she deserves to know before she gets attached to your pathetic ass." I snap and he seethes. "You wouldn't tell her because she'll just take my side. She'll believe that you're trying to wedge between us because you hate me." He tells me and I laugh again.

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