"Ryan and I are going on a date!"

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Joselyn POV-

"Hi, can I help you with anything?" I ask the tall guy who seemed quite lost, he turned around abruptly. "Ah, thank god. I've been wandering these halls for a hot minute, uh I'm looking for my grandmother." He says and let me tell you, his voice was heavenly.

"Okay! I'll lead you to the front desk and we can look her up." I say and wave him on so he could follow. I get to the desk and there was no one sitting there. I go behind the desk and get the list of residents. "What's your last name, sweetheart?" I ask and he grins softly. "Macdonald, her first name is Clarice." He replies and I scan over the book.

"She was admitted yesterday afternoon, she is in room 308. Do you need me to show you?" I ask and he nods frantically. "I've been lost on the floor for a good 15 minutes." He chuckles and I grin. This bitch was too cute for me to just let him wander alone.

"Turn here," I point to the left and he obeys, "so what is your name?" I ask him. "Ross, and you?" He asks and I look down at my name tag. "This says Joselyn, but I go by Jos." I smile at him and point at the name tag, he shakes his head.

"Are you originally from Nashville, your accent isn't as deep." He asks as we make a right. "East Tennessee, you don't sound like anyone around here either," I admit and he just grins. "Kentucky, actually. More northern so I just don't sound as country. I just moved here honestly." He tells me as I stop outside the door to his grandmother's room.

"If you need anything just come up to the desk or just ask any nurse." I beam and he nods with the same smile. "Can I just ask for you?" He smirks and I feel my cheeks heat up. "Hm, this is the direct line to phone here, it only accepts calls from residents or nurses." I point to the phone in my hip, I pull a pen out of my pocket and grab his hand. I write down my work number and my regular, he looks at it a little sideways.

"Two numbers?" He asks and I start to walk back a little. "The first one is this phone, but the second one is for the time that you need an exploration of Nashville." I wink and he just puts his head down as he blushes. "Bye!" I giddily respond as I turned a corner.


"Jos, Jos, Jos!" Roni's voice pierced my ears as I literally stepped forward into the house, I hear her feet padding closer. I close the door and throw the keys into the bowl. "Yes small child," I say as I make my way to the kitchen. "I have exciting news!" She cheers and I pour some Diet Coke into a glass. I pull out a cheese stick and plop down on the kitchen chair. I wave her to go on.

"Ryan and I are going on a date!" She was so giddy and I literally choked on the cheese stick. "Wait. Really?" I ask excitedly and she nods. "He kissed me! So, I just am happy and now I'm just so happy!" She was basically yelling but I understood.

"Baby, that's so good!" I was leaning over to engulf her into a hug. "I gave a hot guy my number," I say as we pull away and she gasps. "What about Joe! We made a promise!" She whines and I literally facepalmed, I had totally forgotten.

"Shit! Well, I just said I could show him around because he moved here from Kentucky. I still really like Joe and we obviously know each other already." I admit and she nods. "Understandable, we're all here for new friends." She adds and I nod. "I'm taking a nap. I need one." I say as I slide out of the chair. "Sleep tight, bitch!"


I woke up to the constant buzzing of my phone, who the fuck needs to talk to me at this hour? No one.

I answered the phone without looking at the name, I hear Joe's voice initiate the conversation. "Hey, Joe." I smile warmly and cuddle into my blanket a little further. "Hey, I was wondering if I could come over to talk? I felt it'd be easier than over text." He explains and I could hear the nerves in his voice.

"Yeah! That's totally fine Joe, come whenever." I say and he sighs in relief. "Okay, I'll head out now." He tells me and I smile again. "I'm laying down but like the door probably isn't locked, if I'm asleep, just wake me up," I advise and he chuckles. "Okay, I will. Bye Jos." He says and I say my goodbyes too.

I snuggle myself back into the pillow and shut my eyes quickly.

"Jos." I heard a whisper as someone was shaking my shoulder softly. I peel my eyes open and see Joe hovering over me. I sit up slightly and then pat the spot beside me. He walks around and then plants himself on my bed.

"Hi," I murmur as I could hardly keep my eyes open. He looked so soft and my primal extinct was telling me just to wrap him up in a hug. "You're really tired, I could've waited," Joe whispers and started to push the hairs behind my ear. "No, it's okay." I smile to him and trace the neck outline of his white shirt. "I liked your letter." He broke the ice and I smile. "Good, I hope it wasn't cliche," I admit and he shakes his head.

"No, it was amazing. Roni said you'd be working a lot this weekend and that you'd probably have no time. I just wanted to see you so I could tell you that it meant a lot to me." He was whispering and it made me want to sleep again, his voice was so smooth.

"I do want to see where this goes, I mean we've been friends for like 2 months now," I admit and he was grinning. "Good, me too." He says and I decided to move against him. I lay my head on his chest and I could feel his heart rate pick up, I was smirking slightly.

"Sorry, you just looked so cuddly and nice," I mumble against him and he hardly chuckled. "You're a lot less feisty when you're sleepy. I'm just waiting for you to be sarcastic." Joe says and I shrug. "Feisty? In this economy? No way." I mumble again and he shakes his head. "I spoke too soon." He was brushing my hair off my neck and it felt good. "I'm sorry that I'm not so interactive, I'm just so tired." I apologize and he groans.

"No, don't apologize. I really enjoy staying like this." He soothes and I nod happily. "Good, me too." I smile gently.

The thought of what Roni had said last night popped into my mind, I propped my head up slightly so I could see his face. "Roni told me that we made out on Tuesday," I tell him and he laughs loudly. "No way! I have a feeling I'd remember something that good happening to me." He says and I shrug. "I thought the same thing but apparently not. Then again, I had a too many rum cokes to remember." I laugh with him.

"Do you need to jog your memory?" He asks and I tilt my head slightly, acting like I was really going to ponder a great request.

"Hm, maybe a small one could help," I smirk and he shakes his head a little. He leans forward and puts his lips on mine, I put me behind his neck to pull him a little closer. He had his arms wrapped around me tightly and I literally felt like my stomach was on fire.

We pull away and he was just staring hardcore at me. I felt a little shy but intrigued. "You're too cute." He says as he leaves one more kiss on my cheek. "I really need to let you sleep, Veronica says you have to be up early." He whispers just as I had settled back into his chest.

I felt very shy and weird about my next question, I hardly wanted to say it. "Ca-can you stay until I fall asleep? You're so comfy and like a little safety blanket." My voice squeaks out and I could picture his smile.

"Of course, I get to snuggle a hottie. My pleasure." He jokes as he scooted down to be more comfortable in the bed. "Thanks, Joe." I smile and close my eyes once more.

Joselyn has a potential boyfriend? In Nashville? A whole ass goal.

Im so sorry that I haven't been active, I've had a hard fucking year and been in a treatment center. I'm finally overcoming some things and I hope to be back to writing !!!

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