"See, birthstones always ward off awkwardness."

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"Hi I'm Veronica." I say and stick my hand out for my teacher. "I'm Aaron Cohen, I'm your crash course teacher for sound engineering. I'm sure Randy explained the intensity about this course, but he told me he has high hopes about you. I think we should begin, I know it's early in the morning but we'll be here for a while." He rants as he sets up some equipment.

"Now, the first subject we will learn is audio technology." He tells me and I nod. "It's super easy, it's like the addition and subtraction of production." He jokes and I laugh awkwardly. "Okay, before we start let's get the awkwardness out of the away." He says and I nod.

"Tell me about yourself, do you like watermelon, do you like long car rides, what is your moms birthstone. I mean come on, we're going to be around each other so we might as well connect." He rambles and I chuckle. "Uh, well I do like watermelon, I love long car rides, and my moms birthstone is emerald." I tell him and he chuckles too.

"Well, since you asked I don't like watermelon but I do like cherries, I hate long car rides, and my moms birthstone is sapphire." He says and I nod. "How amazing, now it's no longer awkward." I joke and he nods. "See, birthstones always ward off awkwardness." He says while handing me a book.

"Anyways, audio technology, it's simply just the handling of the equipment. It's all about how to produce the sound. However, if you've been working with Lucy, you should know how to do this. So if you would just read the chapter later as a refresher, you should be good." He says and I nod while making a sticky note.

"Next will be remote and location recording. This is also super easy because it's how to mix each sound and put them into a live album. Wow, okay you should know how to do this because of Lucy. This might just be a quick crash course. So, read chapter 2 later." He moves on quickly and I'm feeling quite happy with my first day already.


"I'm exhausted." I fall into the couch beside Jos. "Awe, you look rough." She says and bushes some of my curls out of my eyes. "Thanks." I mumble and she laughs. "So how was the crash course?" She asks and I groan.

"At first it was easy because I've done that shit with Lucy, but now it's all kinds of crazy. I've got to read 3 chapters in my book and review my notes." I groan again. "Okay, well before you start studying, I'm going to a special treat for you. Are you feeling takeout? My treat." She says and I smile widely and stick my arms up for her.

"Chinese?" I suggest and she nods. "Great, I'll order then we'll watch Criminal Minds and eat. Then, you can study." She demands and grabs her phone. "You're the best." I mumble and find the remote. "You bet." She laughs.

Okay so this is just a short filler chapter sorry lmao

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