"Holy fucking shit. What the fuck is he doing in Nashville!"

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"Why is there all kinds of people here? There is like no parking spots." I proclaim as I walk into the studio. Lucy looked absolutely exhausted. "They're trying to find a new intern that won't want to do what you did. So, they had open interviews today." Joe explains and I nod slowly.

"Well, all power to them. Making coffee for all those people is pretty tough." I joke and they laugh. "Okay, let's get started." Lucy interrupts and the boys pile into the studio. "God my pelvis is killing me." Lucy groans and I quickly look over at her. "You better not drop that baby out right now, I gotta go." I say and she rolls her eyes. "It's cramping not labor, suck it up." She laughs and I groan.

"Are you okay though, the baby good?" I ask and she nods. "All good, a little stubborn, but all good." She says and I smile. "Good, thanks for the notes. I've been studying them and I appreciate them. Plus, if they don't get signed tomorrow, I will be surprised. They are amazing." I say and tapping on the mic comes through.

"Yes thank you, we know. Can we start?" Chase asks and we both flip them off. "C'mon boys, do your thing." Lucy says into the mic. "Would you like to take over today, since you studied so much." She offers and my jaw drops. "You want me to do this?" I gasp. "If you feel well enough to do it." She nudges and I clear my throat as we change spots.

I give them the thumbs up and the beat starts. I make sure everything sounded like it was blending and there wasn't one instrument overpowering the other. The backup vocals needed to be turned up and the lead needed to be lowered. When the bridge hits I don't feel amazed, it feels incomplete. I look around the sound booth and see a keyboard in the back corner along with the tambourine and another guitar. "I'm no artist, but have they thought about adding keyboarding into this? I feel like the bridge needs something or the guitar in the bridge needs to be balanced with the keyboard." I suggest and her eyes widen.

"Holy shit! You're a damn genius." She states and cuts the boys off. She presses the mic, "are any of y'all multitalented?" She asks and they shrug. "In which way?" Zachary asks and Lucy leans forwards. "Anyone play piano or keyboard?" She asks and Chase raises his hand.

"I keyboard, why?" He asks and Lucy gives me a 'aha bitch' look. "This genius to my left has made a stellar idea, y'all come out here." She demands and they lay their instruments to the side. "Hit us with it." Ryan says and they all sit on the couch. Lucy looks at me and nods for me to go on.

"Is there any way that you can add keyboard in the with the guitar during the bridge? We all love guitar solos, but the lyrics seem like if there's the keyboard, it'll be more down to earth." I awkwardly explain. They boys all look at each other with uneasy looks. "How will you know if you never try?" Chase asks and I break out into a smile. "That's the spirit!" I exclaim and they head back towards the large sound booth.

The boys drag the keyboard from the corner and hook it up. They start the song over again and carry on like normal. "Where'd you think of that from?" She asks and I chuckle. "I don't know, I saw the keyboard as they sang the bridge and I didn't like how it flowed, so it hit me." I babble and she smiles. "You're amazing for this industry." She praises and I shrug. "Nah." I dismiss it.

"Oh time for the bridge!" I change the subject. They give us one uncertain look then Chase moves to the keyboard. Then just like that, the blending took over. Lucy starts cheering and we could see the excitement on their faces.


I walk in the house and see Joselyn decked out in a hot outfit and full glam. "Holy shit! You going on a date?" I ask and she twirls around. "Only with you, now go get dressed." She demands and I raise my eyebrows.

"Where are we going and why?" I ask as she basically drags me into my room. "The club down the road." She states and I laugh. "Yeah because we're totally 21." I sass and she pulls her wallet out of her purse. "We are with these bad boys." She exclaims while whipping out 2 cards.

"Who the hell made us fake I.D's?" I gasp and take mine. "One of the people in my study group was having a hard time with this weeks criteria, so I offered to help to finish his work. He explained that he had different levels of payment and this one sounded nice." She explains and I check out mine. I looked older in the picture and it looked legit.

"Man, these heroin addicts keep getting better." I joke and she rolls her eyes. "C'mon, get dressed!" She declares and starts to find my makeup.


We successfully made in inside the club, it's exactly like the fanfics and movies. Extremely hot and too many bodies pressed together. "I'm going to get a drink." Jos says as she fights her way through the crowd. She takes my hand to help guide me through too.

"I'll take a Gin and Tonic. Thanks." She says and slides the money over. "I'll take a shot of whiskey and then a vodka martini." I say and hand him my money. I take the shot of whiskey and it makes me do a little shimmy. "This shit is good." Jos says as she sips her drink. "Thanks for the surprise." I commend and she nods.

"How was work?" She asks and I light up. "So good! I made a perfect suggestion and I think it made the guys like me more, Lucy too. I had a really good day!" I smile and she cheers. "Bartender, yeah you cutie, get her another shot of whiskey." She says and slides him money. "Cheers!" I say and take it down the hatch.

"Wanna dance?" I yell over the pounding music. "Of course." She says and chugs her drink.

An array of music played and we danced to every single one. We honestly looked like a lesbian couple by the way we danced with each other, but who honestly cares?

"I'm getting thirsty again, wanna grab a drink?" I ask by the 4th song. "sure." She says and we head that way.

We take a seat at the bar and I turn to her. "So, how was your day?" I ask and she shrugs. "Wiping ass, per usual." She grimaces. I was just about to speak when I saw his body leaning against the bar on the opposite end.

"Holy fucking shit. What the fuck is he doing in Nashville!"

Lol sorry for slow updates my dudes

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