"I don't know which one of y'all is Timothy, but here's your coffee!"

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Roni -

I put on some black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a white T-shirt. "You're going to be fine. Breathe." Jos says, patting my back slightly. I take a deep breath and put my phone in my back pocket.

"I've got to work the midnight shift so I won't be home tonight. I go in at 3, so there's leftover pasta from last night and I'm gonna try to find a hookup for wine." Jos says while we walk back towards the living room.

"Sounds good, have fun on your first night." I tell her, she sighs. "Yes, wiping ass and changing adult diapers. Yay." She cheers sarcastically. "I have no idea what I'm doing today, so that's a mood. I've got to go though, bye girl." I say and wave as I leave.


"So, this is the copy/coffee room, you'll spend a lot of time in here." Laura says, I nod and she leads us down another hall. "This is the conference room, we hardly have meetings but this is one room." She continues and then leads us to the opposite side of the building.

"This is where the magic happens. We have around 7 studio rooms and then they all have the waiting area attached. There will always be signs up on who is in there." She tells me and I nod again.

"That's about it but you're going to train with me today and we'll see how it goes." She says, I smile. "Sounds good." I utter, she leads us to her desk.

We sit silently for a few minutes as she straightens out her desk. "So, let's see how well you remember the building. I need 50 copies of this and 3 copies of this. We have a meeting next week." She demands and I take the papers. "I'll be back." I murmur, turning to the left. "To the right!" She yells and I turn back around to head towards the copier room.

I make the copies and take them back to her. "Now, I know that you're training for me today, but Timothy wants coffee. Sorry, this will suck but it's your job now." She frowns, but I give her a smile. "Hey, this is better than McDonald's, so coffee machine here I come." I joke, she smiles back. "That's the spirit. Timothy just wants straight black coffee." She says, I nod.

I make my way to the coffee machine when a middle age woman stops me. "You're the new intern, right?" She asks kindly and I nod. "Yep, that's me." I say, mostly sounding like Raven Symone. "My name is Jackie, I'll take coffee with a little creamer please. I'll be in the recording studio with LANY." She smiles and I nod. I make my way into the coffee room.

Okay, so if I have to go all the way to the other side of the building, I can make Jackie's cup first and then drop it off. Then, I can make my way back and stop in again to make Timothy's. I nod to myself and do that.

I head to the studio portion of the building. I look at the doors before I get to the last one that said LANY. I knock quietly then let myself in. "Here you go." I whisper and hand it to Jackie, I turn to leave. "Can you listen to this real quick?" She asks and I nod, I face the band that was playing. Hey! It's that cute guy who ran into me.

I listen to their song and I instantly feel myself bobbing my head. "I love it! I think there needs to be more drums though." I say and she nods. She tries it by turning up the mic for the drums. "Yes! That's it!" She says and high fives me. "I like you, intern." She smiles and I walk out quickly.

"Timothy!" I yell to myself and make my way to the room again. I make his straight black coffee, weirdo. I run to the front again. "I don't know which one of y'all is Timothy, but here's your coffee!" I say and a guy raises his hand. I make my way to him and lay it on his desk. "Thanks." He says and I make my way back to Laura's desk. "You look like a headless chicken." She laughs and I shrug. "I can see that." I agree.

I've officially made at least 20 cups of coffee today and 3 cups of warm tea. Laura excused herself to the restroom about a minute ago. I hear her office phone start to go off, I look around but then answer quickly, but nervously.

"This is Roni, I'm answering for Laura. Who is this?" I speak confidently. "Roni as in the intern?" They ask. "Yes, this is she." I say.

"Hi, I'm Lucy over in studio 6. I was looking for Roni anyways." She laughs. "Hi Lucy, how can I help you?" I ask. "I was wondering if you could please make me a cup of tea. If you're busy I completely understand. My singer is feeling a little hoarse." She requests shyly like I was going to say no.

"I'll be there soon. Anything special in the tea?" I ask. I hear voices talking in the back and a little of ruckus. "One or two packets of sugar. Thank you Roni." Lucy says and then hangs up.

I make the tea and add 2 sugars for good measure. I go to studio 6, the band was called COIN. Hm, they really have some interesting band names here.

"Lucy, here is your tea." I say while handing the cup over. "Thank you Roni, hm you're very pretty." She compliments, I smile kindly. "Thank you! You too." I admit truthfully.

"Chase get your ass in here to drink the tea, you sound like a smoker." Lucy shouts into the mic while pushing a button. All 4 guys bust through the door. "Hm, who are you?" The guy, Chase, asks while sipping his drink. "Roni, the new intern." I say, I look at the guys, hmmm they're all cute.

"I'm Joe, this is Ryan and that's Zachary. Chase is the hoarse one." He says while pointing at everyone. "Ah nice, well if you ever need someone to make coffee or tea, I'm here." I say and they laugh. "How amazing." Zachary says. "I should get back to the desk to make sure Laura doesn't need help or if some weirdo wants more black coffee." I joke and head out the door.

I make it back to Laura's desk and she smiled up at me. "Well, you've done absolutely amazing today, but it's already 8 so you are free to go. I know it was a short day, but there's always tomorrow. What shifts do you wanna work?" She asks, hm she never asked in the interview.

"For now, days would work because it's summer. I'll have to switch in the fall because of school." I say, she nods. "Be here at 8 am, I'll see you then." She says and I nod as she turns off her computer.

I pack my things as she walks out with a small wave. Just as I was walking out of the door, a person yelled my name. I turned around and saw Lucy from studio 6. "Hey, what's wrong? Need more tea?" I joke and she laughs but shakes her head.

"No, but I was wondering if you'd like to hang out in the studio with me tomorrow? You seem really cool and like you have a good sense of music. You don't have to if you don't want to." She rambles but I nod. "I would love to, but I'm an intern so I don't know if they'll let me. I've got so many cups of coffee to make." I frown.

"I'll talk to Laura and she'll probably say yes. She's my aunt actually. Plus, these people are educated enough to push a button on the Keurig machine." She says and I smirk. "Hm, sounds like a plan. I'll see you tomorrow Lucy." I say and wave as I walk away. Hey, at least I made a friend.


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