"Being a coward is better than being a liar."

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"Do we have to say goodbye"? You guys can't leave me!" I start to wipe the tears that welled up suddenly, the image of them loading up the tour bus broke me.

"Hey! Stop that right now. We live in Nashville and there's only one place to come back to. You can come to visit on tour anytime and our Nash show is in January!" Paul kisses my forehead and I slump my shoulders. "But I'm gonna miss you guys."

"I know, but COIN is gonna be here for a bit more," Les says while giving me his goodbye hug. "Then they're gonna leave too, then it's just my exes and me." I joke around to avoid my feelings, Jake gives me his dad look.

"Okay, enough of the sad shit. You helped us get this far, time to cheer up. C'mon, you've gotta be proud of yourself and us, shake it off and let's give our last hugs for now." Jake cuts in, tugging all of us closer together. We do their jumping and chant, their normal warmup before they record.

"I love you guys, really. Joselyn told me to tell you guys that she's sorry she couldn't watch you leave but she loves you guys. Thank you for making our first months in Nashville amazing." We squeeze together one last time.

I move towards the back door of the studio, watching them all turn around one more time to wave before getting onto the bus. A part of my heart broke off with them, but I knew it was for the best.

I wipe more tears as I walk back to my studio, The 1975 (which they randomly decided to name themselves) was sitting there. "What're you guys doing here? I thought we agreed to meet after Thanksgiving?" I ask and they nod.

"We are, it's just that Randy wants us to sign some things, then he suggested we come over here to get to know you better," Ross explains and I nod slowly, quickly wiping more tears off of my cheeks.

"Is everything okay?" Matty asks and I nod faintly, rubbing my hands anxiously.

"LANY left today, just a few minutes ago honestly, I just got too attached. I'll be fine." I wave it off, they nod understandingly, I smile weakly.

"So tell us about you!" Ross says excitedly and I laugh at his willingness. So he doesn't know about me? Good. No prerequisites.

"I am from Kingsport Tennessee, I kind of attend school but it's more of a work-study, I moved here a few months ago with my best friend Jos." I halfassed explain, mostly because I didn't know how to tell about myself that well. I'm more of a 'let me act stupid as fuck and see if it scares you enough.'

The Adam guy had hardly opened up or talked in the two times we've met, but he looked like that meme of the lady who was doing calculations.

"Hold on. Didn't you go to or live in Kingsport, Matty?"Adam asked while looking back and forth between us both. "Oh yeah, we were friends!" I say quickly, Matty gives me a questionable look.

The last thing I need today is to have a confrontation.

"Wait, didn't you date a girl from Tennessee? It was like Knoxville or something like that? No. Asheville?" Adam continued, George and I were visibly becoming uncomfortable.

"No, it was Kingsport also." He mumbled, Adam seemed to be puzzled by it. "God, what's up with that town? Did you date her best friend or something, you two seem to have tension." Ross jokes, Matty laughing aloud.

"God, the only relationship Joselyn has ever been in has to be Satan himself," Matty says under his breath, I kinda chuckled at it myself.

"No way! It's you two, you two dated! Look at their sulkiness." Matty points out and I make a 'cut it out' signal.

"Wait, hold on. Matty, did you shave your hair recently?" George asks and I facepalm, here we fucking go.

"I had this big bushy curly mess, so I shaved the sides off and kept the top curly. It's been about 1 1/2 months since I did that. Why?"

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