"I come bearing chicken nuggets and happiness!"

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"Guys this is your last song to record." I sniffle and they hug me. "Hey why are you crying?" Paul exclaims. I was just so proud of them, like I've only known them for a few months but they're my best friends. I'm going to miss them.

"I'm just so proud! I'm going to miss having you here though." I mumble and they squeeze me tighter. "Hey, we won't forget you or our Tuesday night parties. You can't replace us that easily." Les coaxes. "I know, but COIN is only 4 songs away from the same deal. Everyone is leaving and I'm going to be all alone!" I proclaim. Who else am I supposed to chill out with on Tuesday nights?

"Well, that is still 4 songs away. Now, let's record this song and fucking rock at it. Plus, tours will end and you know exactly where we're coming back to." Paul soothes and I smile. "You guys are right, let's just finish this. I'm so proud guys." I say and they smile before going into the booth. Wow, I'm gonna miss them.


When it was time for lunch, I felt more depressed than anything, like I wanted to be proud and I wanted to be happy for them, but I'm literally just sad.

All the boys ran out of the room and cheered, they were racing the halls to find Randy. Everyone was so happy, but I was in a state of sad nostalgia.

"If I don't see that smile, I'm gonna smack you around." Paul says as he runs up behind me to give me a big hug. "You're such a goof." I snort and push him off of me. "C'mon, you're literally packing your things up in here all sad like. COIN just went out to get lunch for us, you've got to brighten up before Jake gets in here, he will literally turn into a dad." He says and I drop my shoulder.

"I see a frown, now I frown. What is going on." Jake barges into the room and I chuckle sadly. How can I look into the eyes of these band members and tell them I'm sad that they're successful?

"C'mon darling, it's fine. Just spill the beans!" Les says as he eats one of the carrots that was in my lunchbox. "I'm sad that you guys are going, you're my best friends. You've just finished up your album so now I have to lose you." I whine feel a little tears come up, part of them were happy and sad tears. "Hey! No tears in here! It's all okay, I promise. We will keep up with you and you can call us whenever." Jake says and I put my head down. "But then I'll just be annoying you guys while you're supposed to have fun." I mumble.

"Hey, you're never annoying! We love you and would always talk to you. Promise." Paul says and kisses the side of my head. "Anyways, by the time that we leave we'll have you set up with our boy Ryan." Jake says and I snort. "What? Are you crazy?" I shriek and they just laugh while flopping down on the couch.

"You're gonna date Ryan, I'm sure of it." Jake boasts and I roll my eyes. There is no way Ryan is gonna want to date a loser like me. I mean he's really great, sweet, funny, fashion icon, and I mean it wouldn't be bad to date him. We're just really close friends and I don't want to push the envelope. "I don't know that he likes me." I state and they all laugh. What's so funny boys? Never seen a clueless girl?

"You have no idea child, no idea at all. He said the same thing when we mentioned it a week ago." Jake says and my eyes widen. "You mentioned this to him!" I shout and punch his chest. "No, I just wanted to see your reaction." Jake laughs and my heart dances with relief. This was fixing to get awk.

"Anyways, you have to promise us that you will make an effort. I want to see results before we leave." Les demands and I chuckle. For the quiet one, he is quite bossy. "I will think about it." I state, I probably will ask Jos what to do, she knows how to help with everything.

"Think about it? Do you mean talk to Jos about the outcomes?" Les sasses and I send him a glare, he puts his hands up in defense. "Pfft no," I scoff, "okay so yes I will be, no issue in doing so." I correct myself and they all laugh. "You've got to just make your own decisions, follow your own feelings. Just take a chance." Paul states and I sigh. "You're right." I mumble.

"Right about what?" Zach asks as they walk in the room. "Right about how every odd number that is common has the letter 'e' in it." Les covers up for it. "Holy shit, that's true." Chase mumbles in complete realization as he repeats the odd numbers aloud. Zach just drops his head and scratches his head disappointingly.

"I come bearing chicken nuggets and happiness!" Ryan laughs as he puts the multiple sacks of McDonald's on the bench. "Ayyye!" We all shout.


"Can you please tell Jos to answer my texts or snapchats." Joe tells me from across the room. Joselyn warned me about him bringing up the fact that she's been slowly ghosting him since they made out at the party, she felt bad because she was completely gone and I was actually the one to bring it up to her.

"Is Joselyn kissing and leaving you to the wolves?" Paul teases and I roll my eyes. "I think it's more of she's never committed to anything but a nap and a straightener from the mall." I butt in. "I would just like to speak to her, pass the message please." Joe mutters and I nod. "Will do and on that note, I am out of here." I put all types of papers in my purse.

"Bye!" They all exclaim and I wave as I walk out. "Bye guys."


"Should I text him?" Joselyn asks and I shrug. "I mean if you want to. He does know where we live Jos, if you ignore him any longer he will appear." I tell her and she lets out a long sigh. "I just don't want to rush into a relationship, I'm not meant to be a girlfriend. Like when do you feed your boyfriend, or walk them and take them to get flea shots?" She questions and I laugh obnoxiously.

"They're not dogs babe." I chuckle and she shrugs. "Same difference, they both pee too much and make messes." She jokes but it almost sounded too convincing. "What if you talk to him and see what he wants." I suggest and she nods slowly. "I can do that." She smiles.

I ponder the thought of asking Ryan out, but I just don't want to ruin our friendship if he turns me down. "I see those wheels turning, what's going on?" She asks. "LANY wants me to ask Ryan out before they leave because it's their last goal." I tell her. She just wears an amused smile.

"Oh I know, we talk about it all the time." Jos admits and I gasp. "And you never told me? I thought we were best friends!" I exclaim flamboyantly. "Yeah, we all plotted this so you'd do it. Which if you want my opinion, I think it would be best if you did. If Ryan truly is one of your best guy friends, he will let you down easy and still be there for you." Jos states proudly and I smile. "Okay, I'll ask Ryan out and then you will answer Joe. Deal?" I question. "Deal." She agrees.

It's been a hot minute since I've updated and I'm sorry for that. I've been swamped with homework and been lacking in writing talent. Hopefully I will catch a break and update :)

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