Part 1

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I slammed the door of my house shaking the windows and knobs. My eyes flaming with anger. I threw my bag over my shoulder and began to walk over to Archie's house.

I lifted my hand to knock only until Archie opened the door beating me. He began to speak noticing the frustration running through my veins.
          "You okay Betty? What is it this time," Archie questioned, causing a frown to appear on my face.

          "My parents!" I fumed. "They won't let me see Polly, and especially now because of Jason's death and everything with the back hood. They don't want me telling her, but I think she deserves to know."

Archie looked down at his shoes. Pondering over what to say to me, he had no knowledge for my situation.
          "Just hold out for hope, that's all I can tell you Betty."

I gave him a small smile, appreciating his wisdom. We finally appeared at school waving to each other before parting ways.

I stuffed my books in my locker, immediately shutting the door.

Carefully making my way through the halls I stumbled upon my first class, physics. Seating myself in the seat I had most of the semester. I began reaching for my books, I sat my bag beside me on the table. No one sat beside me because the class was empty enough that people had their own tables.

Ms. McArthy began to speak.
"Students, I just want you to all be aware that we are going to be having a new student for this physics class. Unfortunately one of you will have to give up an end of a table for him. Anyone want to volunteer." I looked around the class no one raised their hand.

I felt bad so I raised my hand in sympathy.
"Perfect Betty, I know he'll enjoy sitting next to someone as smart as you." She said smiling at me. "As for the rest of you get comfortable, today we start one of the easiest units..." Her voice trailing off.

Confusion wrapped around me like a warm blanket. Why would anyone want to move to Riverdale, let alone go to Riverdale high. Although it couldn't be worse than going Southside High.

Once I was done writing all the notes, I stowed away my notebook and exited the class.
          "Betty! We have gym next!" Veronica exclaimed, walking over in excitement. She twirled her arm around mine as she dragged me to the change rooms.

Finally after a long class of playing Soccer it was time for lunch. Veronica, Archie, Kevin and I all sat at one of the tables outside. I took out Tupperware from my bag that consisted of cucumbers and carrots.

Veronica began to speak.
          "So Archie are we still on for our date this weekend?" She asked a smirk across her face. "Maybe we can take Betty, you need some fun after what happened between you and Jughead."

          "Veronica, Jughead and I are fine. He's dealing with his problems and I'm willing to give him space. Besides I don't think I wanna third wheel with you guys." I replied, looking to my side to relieve the tension.

Me and Jughead always had this sort of connection, but lately he needed a break and a relationship would've made his situation in the Southside worse, so I left things how they were. I cared for Jug, but I felt the spark we once had was gone.

When I was finally done my food I put my container back into my bag, unconsciously sipping from my water bottle.
           "I heard there's going to be a new student." I said hoping to break the awkward silence that existed before.
            "Weird." Archie confessed, eyes on Veronica.
            "No one moves to Riverdale, this person had to have lived here before." Kevin suggested.

He was right. Riverdale was a small unknown town, no one would come here willingly. In the blink of an eye I was in last period, calculus. Another class in which I sat alone. Not many people took calculus, they envied it. There were about 16 students in the class altogether which made it a lot tolerable and things moved quite fast.

Ultimately the day was over. I trudged to my bed and dropped my bag on the side. My stomach growling for food as I devoured a plate my mom had cooked for me. I spent most of the night finishing up homework and watching an episode of The 100 on Netflix.

I turned off my side lamp and fell into an instant trance.
          "Elizabeth wake up!" My mother yelled from the door. I pulled the covers over my head. "Betty, you do this everyday. Come on it's Thursday, you have one more day to go." I silently agreed and ripped the sheets off my head causing my hair to fill with static.

I tiredly made my way to physics once again when I remembered there would be a new student. I began to feel nervousness in the pit of my stomach, not entirely sure why.

When I saw my table there was a boy with dark brunette hair, facing the other direction making it unable to see his face.

I sat down beside him avoiding eye contact. He spoke sending shivers down my spine.
His voice was so familiar... then a flood of memories came washing over me.

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now