Part 27

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Y'all I'm getting tired of spacing in the beginning of a conversation, forgive me but im gonna stop because that shit is hella annoying and I've been doing it for like 26 chaps END MEEE. (Sorrynotsorry)

Also I put my story on mature now because it has a lot of gun talk/violence maybe? and I just want to make sure that people that are sensitive to that stuff have a little warning. + this is basically a romance book and some scenes are a little detailed so I also wanted to have a little warning for that. (Which is kinda weird to me tbh since Riverdale and teen wolf are like what +14 and they have so many "detailed" scenes so I guess if you're watching these shows then my book should be okay to read too

Anyways tysm for 4K reads hope everyone is enjoying the story!

Betty POV

"I can't lose you again." He whispered in my shoulder.

"Stiles, are you okay?" Mr Stilinski started as he came into the room breaking our hug.

"Yeah I'm okay dad." Stiles replied reaching over to hug him. "Who was it?"

"Lydia Martin. She says she's had orders to kill you Stiles, she had a knife... she was going to stab you. She just confessed."

"Who gave her the order?" I asked nervously.

"We think it could be Steven but she's denying saying that someone else is in charge, whatever that means, we will figure it out. Don't stress about it, you guys will be okay. Stiles can I talk to you for a minute outside?"

They left the room and I stayed behind the edge listening to what they were saying.

"Were you going to tell me you had a gun?" His dad began.

"I'm sorry dad it was only for protection I promise. I just...I can't feel weak I can't take care of myself you know?"

"I'll let you keep it, because I trust you. Considering your odds I think it might be good that you have one. Hopefully you'll never need to use it." They came in for another hug and I quickly moved away. "Alright're free to go home." Mr Stilinski said before leaving.

I started packing up my books, putting away all my materials in my bag.

"You need a ride home?"

I let out a huge breath.

He tilted his head looking intensely into my eyes.

"You can stay...for a little while...maybe check in with your mom, let her know you're okay."

"Stiles, everything that happened today and before it's just weighing on me...I care about you, I do. The truth is, I can't let you get hurt again, I can't let myself get hurt. You say that you can't lose me...and that might be true, but now it's reversed, I can't lose you! I don't want to get too close because I know one day I will lose you. Whether that's 30 days from now or two years or even tomorrow it's destined to happen. Nothing lasts forever and I can't let myself get attached to you." I admitted.

"So you're just going to give up, just like that? You don't care what happens to me you never did! I thought that forgiving you, you would change. The truth is Betty you run at the sight of any hard deal, you give up on people because they don't apply to you anymore. You let yourself believe that everything you do is right and it's beneficial in the long run, that's what's not true, you're just selfish and you only care about something if it applies to you. You can go...and you don't have to come back. I see where you stand in whatever we have, you love me until it gets hard and I think I deserve better than that."

I scoffed.

"I'm sorr-you deserve better? You got me shot! I have nightmares every night, the excruciating pain radiates through my body in waves and that asshole pointing a gun to my head, my wrists bleeding from trying to break out. You could have avoided all that if you told me the truth!" I walked up to him. "This was your fault, that's the truth." I replied pushing my finger into his chest.

He moved back.

"You can go." He whispered weakly.

"So that's it huh? You want me to go? I'll go Stiles and I won't ever turn back...but I think that's what you want." I grabbed my bag from his bed and was about to walk out, he grabbed my wrist lightly spinning me around to turn to him.

"That's not what I want."

He approached closely towards me, softly placing his lips on top of mine.

"You think I'm selfish?" I whispered slowly, pulling away from his sweet lips.

"You think I'm not worth it?" He replied, taking a few steps back.

"I think you're worth it Stiles."

"I don't think you're selfish Betty."

I sat down on the bed beside him.

"So that argument was invalid and useless but I still feel that I've let out a lot. I don't think it was your fault by the way, I guess I just say stupid things when I'm angry and scared. But... I think you're right, I only love until it gets hard and I don't want to be that person."

"You don't have to be that person Betty. You can stick through this with me because I know we can make it out together."

I placed my head on his chest hugging him with my other arm.

"I should probably get home, moms probably worried."

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now