Part 28

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I really felt like this story was dying :(

Anyways I was looking for ways to liven up the story and hook more readers because I want this story to be quite long so i really am liking the plans I have for this, enjoy!

Warning this chapter is extremely heavy!
(Sorry I had to do it to ya)

Stiles POV

"So who do you think wants you dead?" Asked Scott.

"I-I don't know...maybe Steven."

"Steven didn't want to kill you, he wanted to kill Betty." He explained.

"What if he thinks she's already dead."


After Scott left I took a long shower, thinking about how I got dragged back into this mess after believing everything would be okay.

I put on some grey sweats and a black sweatshirt, lying down on my bed.

My door blasted open, startling me.

"Stiles!" She began breathless.

"Betty what are you doing here? You should be home!" I exclaimed, it was almost 1 o clock. I jumped up from my bed and fast walked towards her. "Hey...what's wrong." I asked grabbing her shoulders.

"Your dad..." she stopped to take a breath. "He's missing."


"I don't have time to explain...we have to go." her eyes dreadfully tired and her breathing still heavy. "Grab what you can...FAST! This may be the last time you see your house."

I believed her so I grabbed the frame of my mother and fathers photo from the nightstand and a hoodie that was lying on the floor.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house until we were about 30 meters from it.

She quickly checked the time on her phone.

"We don't have any time..." she winced. "Just get on the ground." I ignored her watching my house from the distance until a fiery smoke progressed through the air along with a loud blast.

I fell to my knees, eyes watering.

"911 there's been a bomb in a house, please come fast other citizens of the area could be in danger." She hung up.

"Holy shit." I whispered. "My house!" She kneeled down beside me, forcing a hug that caught me by surprise.

"I tried to stop it...I was too late."

"Wh-What's going on?" I stuttered.

"It's Steven, he doing all of this from jail. He had the alpha take your dad, that's what he texted me, along with this picture of a timer outside of your house. He was going to kill you Stiles, he took your dad out so he could live." She explained showing me the picture.

Sirens began to blast and fire trucks approached. I started to run back to my house.

"Stiles! Stiles stop!" Betty yelled from the distance.

Thick black fog dispersed, firefighters hosing down what was left of the house. Bits and pieces.

Everything I held so close to me was just all obliterated into dust.

I heard Betty approach behind me, breathless from running.

"What are you not understanding...we have to get you out of here!"

"I'm not going anywhere, not until I know my dad is safe." I replied sternly.

"Oh shit...Stiles...I got another text."

I gently grabbed the phone from her hands, unsure about what to expect.

I looked at the picture, the phone falling from my hands as it did.

It was my dad, a bullet in his head.

I fell to my knees again, Betty doing the same.

She grabbed the phone and took a look for herself and when she did tears escaped her sweet green eyes.

"Stiles." She whispered through her sob. "I'm so sorry." She continued weeping, grabbing my head and placing it in her chest as I felt her weak cry.

I couldn't feel it, I couldn't cry, I was numb.

I just stayed there as she hugged me, crying uncontrollably. After she broke out she called the police again and told them about my dad.

Once they came they took her phone for evidence. I just sat there on the curb watching it all go down.

A bleak silence radiating off of me.

Betty POV (continued)

I watched him the entire night, it was like he was frozen, my heart ached for him.

He was in so much pain and he didn't even know how to handle it.

After he sat there for a while the police took him. They assured me to go home but I didn't want to leave him.

Eventually they gave me no other choice but to leave whilst they handled the situation.

I got home and hugged my mom and dad.

"We saw it on the news...god he's lost everything, his mother, his father, his house. This is going to hit him hard." Began my mother.

I sat down beside her, tears falling.

"I never got the chance to tell him I loved him...before all of this. He's going to think I'm saying it out of sympathy but that's not true. I love him so much, it's like impossible how much I love him. He won't even believe it now." I cried into her shoulder. "Why was I so stubborn before?"

"He's going to believe it, trust me Betty. He knows." She wrapped her arms around me resting her chin on my head.

"Stilinski was my best friend. It's such a tragedy." My father said sadly.

Stiles POV

"It was your job to make sure we didn't get hurt." I said calmly to the officer. "Now my dad is dead and my house is a pile of ash."

I took a deep breath.

"I have nothing left do you hear me? Nothing!" I yelled angrily my voice breaking.

"Stiles..." Scott began entering the office I was in.

He hugged me tightly and I began to immediately cry in his shoulder, the emotions hitting me like a truck.

"It's gone's all gone." I sobbed. "My freaking house. Why couldn't he just kill me?" I was fully just crying now, my entire body just weak.

I felt darkness around my heart as Scott held me in his arms, I saw Betty and Veronica from the distance quickly approaching us, Betty wrapped herself around us and Veronica set her hand on my shoulder.

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now