Part 35

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Preparations for the dance were in order. The theme was of course 'the final dance', mostly for the seniors and juniors, but sophomores were welcome too. I think freshman were entirely out of the picture.

I had no idea what I was going to wear, I'd ask Veronica for some help.

Exams were stressing me out and I needed a good long break.

I knew what I could do. There was this coffee shop that I used to love going to with Stiles, which was before we were old enough to know that burgers and milkshakes were the much better idea.

Today I was desperately seeking caffeine and calories.

I grabbed the keys to the car and drove out.

When I arrived a feeling of nostalgia kicked me in the gut. I remembered when we would come here and do homework while devouring pastries and iced lattes. Laughter erupting from our small table.

We used to be so happy, so content with each other. I feel that I played part in ruining what we had.

I opened the door and the breeze of strong coffee and baked goods drifted over me.

Then, I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes.

"The world has a funny way of putting two people together." I smiled warmly, approaching him.

"Well if it isn't the smallest world we live in. How are you Betty Cooper?"

"Very well Stiles Stilinski, just stressing."

"I guess we were both looking for an escape." He shook his head, biting his lip in thought.

I took a seat across from him.

"You know, I was at a point in my life where everything felt like nothing. I couldn't feel things, in my heart or in my soul. I was looking for way where I could try and grasp some type of feeling, some sort of emotion. I can say that I did. The day I found out that you supposedly slept with Blake, I felt rage and anger. Then, when I slept with Vanessa, I felt disappointed and angry at myself. The truth is...after everything that I went through I couldn't feel happiness, I didn't feel human."

I listened to him talk, so engaged in this conversation, I needed to know what he would say next.

"So I started coming here, it was always our happy place. Thinking of everything that we went through I realized something. I was always in love with you...from the first day I saw you in the courtyard, 7th grade,I knew you'd be the love of my life...of course my fragile heart was broken when you admitted your feelings for Archie. Or when you never called back or replied to my texts. Anyways back to the point...Betty Cooper you make me human. You are the only person that makes me feel happy, who makes me feel like I can accept who I am as a person...and well maybe Scott too." He added sarcastically.

A tear slipped from my cheek while I laughed.

"That was beautiful Stiles...I wish I knew it back then, I wish I could love you then like I do now. But...that was the past, and I love you, more than I've ever loved you. This moment right now, I'm so glad that I could help you heal, I'm so glad I can be here for you now."

He smiled reaching for my hand across the table.

"I'm still in love with you Betty. I can't shake that, I don't want to shake that."

"And I'm in love with you, no take-backsies. It's all real, it's all here."

We both smiled at each other from across the table, my hand pumping electricity through his.

The look in his eyes, it wasn't lust. Like most teenage boys. It wasn't hurt. It wasn't compassion. I was so certain that the look in his eyes, was love. Pure, raw and unfiltered love.

Eyes speak a thousand words, but today ours read 3.

I love you.

I could spend the rest of my life looking into those eyes. Seeing that glaze plastered across them. I wanted to, I needed to.

You never realize what it's means to love someone until you actually do. The feeling is unshakable, it's mutual.

After each having a coffee, and a few treats we walked out of the coffee shop together when I began giggling to myself, my hand intertwined with his.

"What's so funny?" He asked warmly as we sat down on a park bench.

"Do you remember Felix? That kid who used to predict the future at our middle school, everyone though he was a legend." I asked.

He looked at me in thought.

"Yeah...I remember him." He answered smiling.

"Well you didn't know this but one time I went to him asking if one of my close friends would ever end up falling in love with me. Well, he said yes. I was buzzing with excitement because I was so sure that it would be Archie."

"But you ended up getting me instead." He grinned, shaking his head.

"I'm glad it was you. I can't imagine you not being here with me. I can't imagine a world that doesn't have you in it Stiles."

He looked at my tilting his head, then his lips connected to mine. There wasn't sadness anymore, it was happiness, for that I was forever grateful.

I could kiss Stiles and it didn't hurt, I could love him and it didn't hurt.

I buried my face into his shoulder as he brought me in for a hug.

"Your dad would be so proud of who you've become. He loved you too, never forget that."

He looked at me with a glimmer of hopefulness in his eyes.

"I've been thinking...I don't want vengeance, but I do want justice. My dad would want me to fight in his name, to fight for him. Which is why I've decided to join the FBI, after I've graduated. This guy he may never be caught, I want to make sure that he will one day."

His words warmed my heart, he finally wanted to pursue something in the name of his father.

"I'll be right there with you, by your side."

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now