Part 23

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I got time to update yayyy

This chap is... something

Mama Cooper aka the biggest Stiles/Betty shipper

Betty POV

The sun peaked through my curtains, glazing into my hazy room. My head beginning to no longer block out the rays.

I ripped my comforter off.

It was Saturday morning, today was the day. The big day that Veronica decided to reintegrate me into the life of a normal teenager again. She was throwing me a huge party.

My wound was making no progress at all, it felt like it hadn't changed in two weeks, the doctor did say it would take some time for me to fully recover.

I went to the mirror, taking my shirt off and undoing the wrap around my abdomen. My wound was located right beneath my lower left rib.

Only a little bit of damage was done to my rib cage but it still hurt like hell. The hospital wasn't supposed to release me for a good week, but they were running low on rooms, well, to be fair I was living in Riverdale.

My mom did the best she could to fight it but the doctor just wasn't having any of it, so I got to rest in my own room, a doctor coming and checking my wound daily.

I placed a sheet of gauze on my wound and reached for the wrap again.

Someone knocked on the door causing me to jump and drop everything in my hands.

I had assumed it was my mom so... I just opened the door how I was. I mean, I did think it was my mom.

"Mom I'm wrapping my-" STILES?! I was in my grey laced bra and black shorts.

I immediately shut the door on his face in embarrassment.

Getting my T-shirt and putting it back on.

       "A heads up would be nice." I fumed.

       "I'm sorry, I just... can I see it?"

       "Pardon?" I said angrily.

       "Your wound... can I see it please?" He asked firmly.

I shot him a confused look.

"Please." He reiterated.

My relationship with Stiles was hard to explain in the current moment. I hadn't talked to him since the last time we kissed.

School had been keeping me busy, all the work I had to catch up on.

       "I think you need to go Stiles."

He sighed heavily.

       "Take your shirt off Betty." He demanded

Would it be absurd if I had slapped him? What was going on with him, coming in here wanting to see my wound.

I just continued to stare, confused.

"Would you be more comfortable if I took my shirt off?" He grinned.

I shook my head, letting out a loud "ugh!"

I slowly removed my shirt looking down at my wound, the gauze barely still stuck on without the wrap.

He stared at it intensely. Reaching his hand over, removing the gauze, tracing it with his fingers as softly as possible. My breathing heavily out of control.

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now