Part 9

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys I had a very busy week. Sooooo I just watched The Death Cure on Wednesday and DYLAN KILLED IT, EVERYONE KILLED IT!

I'm not going to spoil anything but my heart still hurts! If you've a seen it, what did you think?

Anyways guys I hope y'all enjoy this chap, tysm for 400 reads !! ❤️❤️ so much love! ty to everyone reading my crappy writing 💖💖💖💖😊

Betty POV

I looked over at Scott, scared, not because of what stiles looked like but because I cared about Stiles and seeing him like this was frightening.

          "What do we do?" I asked.

          "We need to get him out of here, maybe my mom can help us out at the hospital."

We approached stiles, he had his eyes narrowed and was stuck to the wall behind him.

          "Stiles you alright, let's get you out of here huh?" Insisted Scott.

         "Betty I was looking for you, I wanted to-" he stopped, looked at me tilting his head. A weird look in his brown eyes.

          "Never mind, let's get out of here shall we?"

For the most part he sounded normal, I wanted to know what he was going to say...about me.

"Where are we going?" He asked, giving the keys of his Jeep to Scott so he could drive.

"The hospital..." I answered nervously.

"Stiles-" Scott began.

"No, it's okay, let's go."

On the way to the hospital I quietly rested in the back, thinking about all the classes and assignments I was missing. I shook those thoughts.

Stiles was more important.

Jughead couldn't help but cross my mind. I knew I wanted to end things off with him but I didn't want to break his heart. I knew what I had to do, it wasn't fair of me to keep leading him on.

I whipped out my phone and began texting him.

Jughead can we talk? I'll meet you at pops at 6?
Seen 9:15am

Yeah sure. Where are you anyway I didn't see you this morning?

Sick. Talk to you later
Delivered 9:17am

"We're here guys." Scott declared. "Now... my mom is just gonna examine you and see if she can help you in any way, nothing to be scared about."

          "Alright. Let's go on in." Insisted Stiles.

We made our way into the hospital and Scott went to the front desk to ask for his mom. It was scary being back here after seeing what happened to Archie's Dad. Never had I thought I would bring Stiles to this place.

When Scott found his mom she took a look at Stiles and ushered us to an open room.

          "Lay down, now I'm going to ask you a few questions, Okay Stiles?" I could see the worry in her eyes. "What is considered a daily meal for you?" She asked.

          "Usually a burger from pops, a milkshake. That's what I eat for dinner. Um... breakfast I usually skip and lunch I just eat some food from the cafeteria."

          "Okay... and how much water?"

          "2 glasses." He stopped. "In the last four days."

She sighed.

          "How much sleep have you been getting."

         "Maybe 1-2 hours a night if I'm lucky." He responded.

          "Okay, I think I know what's going on here. Stiles you have a rare type of insomnia. Usually a person with insomnia can get up to 4-5 hours if they really try, but you're different. The loss of sleep and hydration is causing you to act and look funny. Just to add, your malnutrition. Eat some fruits and vegetables. And drink lots of water."

          "But... when I sleep, I get awful nightmares, how do I fix that?"

        "When did they begin?" She questioned.

        "When I moved back here." He replied.

        "Stiles, if I can remember you never had the best life here in Riverdale. That stress and anxiety from before is back and it's eating away at you, I can give you some anti anxiety pills but only for 30 days. After that I won't allow you to use them. It should help kill the nightmares and it should help with falling asleep too, I'll make sure I give you the ones that make you drowsy, but only eat them at night before bed."

         "Okay... thank you."

Ms. McCall told us to take Stiles home and give him his pills and wait for him to fall asleep. So that's what we did.

Stiles came home quickly changed out of his clothes and opened the door to his room allowing us in. He then took his pill before us and laid down on his bed.

After 30 minutes of awkward silence with Scott, he began talking.

         "He looks peaceful."

         "I'm glad, I was worried about him." I said but regretting it because I showed Scott my weak spot for him.

          "He cares about you too, he doesn't wanna see you get hurt."

I blushed hoping Scott wouldn't see it.

          "You should get back to school, if one of us is missing class then let it be me." He continued.

I grabbed my bag from the cold floor.

         "See you tomorrow Scott."

          "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." He replied as I left out of the brown painted door.

As I walked to school I thought maybe Stiles could come over for dinner sometimes, and maybe he could go to Scott's some days. It would allow him to have a proper dinner because his dad was always working at the station.

When I finally got to school it was about lunch time. I saw an angry Veronica sitting at one of the far tables in the cafeteria.

          "Betty! You have some explaining to do!" She exclaimed.

          "I'm sorry, Stiles needed my help with something."

           "Stiles?! I thought he was mad at you?" "And don't even get me started on Jughead he was going crazy looking for you after he called your mom and she said you weren't at home."

I took a deep breath, when Jughead interrupted.

          "Betty! Where have you been?!"

Oh god a headache started to form.

Years Later • Stiles Stilinski and Betty Cooper [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now