Some Kind of Superhero

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Chapter 1


"Help!" A voice cried out, on this cold winter night. "No, stop!"

I should help her. Right? Or get my ass kicked. Call the police, Freya.

I called 911, pulled out my taser, and headed down the dark foreboding alleyway. Kneeling behind a trash bin, I saw a woman being pushed against a brick wall at knife point. The woman looked like she just got off work at a diner.

"Keep quiet! Or I'll gut you. Hand over the purse!" the robber said.

"Please, don't! I have children." the woman stammered.

Where are the police?

Never mind. I can handle this. I checked the ally and the street.

No witnesses.

I concentrated on my breathing, focusing on bending the air around me, turning me invisible. I only have two minutes, so I better make them count. I stepped from behind the trash bin and quietly walked up behind the robber.

"Give me the ring!" the asshole said.

"Please, don't take it, anything, but that," the woman pleaded.

"Hand it over-" I stocked the man in the neck, he immediately went down. The surprised and confused woman pushed herself off the wall, running straight into me, knocking me to the ground and making me lose control of my illusion. I reappeared right in front of her on my butt.

"Where did you come from?!" the women said scared. I could hear the police sirens getting closer.

"Um, catch!" I tossed the taser to her and disappeared again. She caught it, and with wide eyes looked left and right. I ran toward the back of the alley.

"Thank you!" The women shouted out to me.

Your welcome.

I ran until my illusion faded away which wasn't far.

I picked the wrong night to wear wedge heels and my short black dress. Tonight was a rare occasion; I had a date. A bad one, but still a date. So, when he called it a night, I gladly paid my half of the bill and bolted for the door. At least something good came from me going. I got to save that women. Hopefully, my mom doesn't hear about this on the news. She and my grandparents have always told me not to use my abilities.

The ice-cold wind beat against my skin. Tonight, I chose to look cute instead of warm. Breaking the number one rule, I decided to warm myself up using my fire element. Cupping my hands over my mouth I breathed out a hot fire ball to warm up my hands. I inhaled the heat back into my mouth letting it radiate throughout my body.

Much better.

I walked home to my apartment in East Walnut Park, Missouri. This was my first apartment at twenty-three and I picked a really bad neighborhood to live in. I knew Saint Louis was dangerous, but I figured everyone was over exaggerating.

They were not. My first night there I'm pretty sure someone shot a gun.

Oh well...

I didn't plan on staying here for long, the rent was cheap, and I could walk everywhere so that saved me a lot of gas money. I made it to the old red brick building, then made my way up to the seventh floor to my apartment. My place was nothing special with its one bedroom, one bath, small kitchen and living room. The walls were paper-thin, but most of my neighbors had night jobs so I could always sleep at night.

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