So We've Been Exiled...

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Chapter 35


"Good morning, sunshine." A soft voice said as fingers ran through my hair. The light scent of lavender filled the air, "Damon?" I was content listening to the voice and staying right where I was "Damon, wake up."


"Damon!" She shouted.

My eyes popped open and I saw her sitting at my bedside still in her red nightgown. I looked to her with confusion, then around the cherry wood room. High ceilings, stained glass windows and expensive paintings hung on the wall. The king size bed had four long pillars and a canopy cover.

I sat up still feeling weak from the containment room. Everything came rushing back to me. The dream! "Are you okay? What happened?" I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly. Freya hugged me back. Gods she felt so good. No, perfect in my arms.

"I'm fine, Alaric is still sleeping. But I wanted to talk to you first." She pulled away and I reluctantly let her go, "so a couple things happened," she told me about her and Alaric running through the kitchen, waking up in the containment room and Elder Favian. I don't why, but it seemed like she was holding back something.

"So, we've been exiled until one of us-"

"No, God no! I'm going to fix this. Somehow. You and Alaric are different but you're not animals, you can control yourselves. Besides I'm not trying to be a homewrecker," she said standing up.


"Vanessa? I don't think she'll appreciate... uuummm sharing? I used your phone and texted Leo what had happened. Everyone's coming here so at least now we can focus on the big picture," she said heading for the door, "I'll let you rest up."

I tried to get out of bed only to find excruciating pain. Did she think Vanessa and I were a thing? Other than the occasional hook up, there was nothing between Vanessa and me.

"Wait," I managed to croak out before collapsing back onto the bed.

"Yes?" She said rushing back to me, "You shouldn't be moving. Whatever happened in that room completely drained us. It may be a couple days before we're all a hundred percent. Try and take it easy. I found some Tylenol in the kitchen cabinet if you need some I can go get-"

"No, I'm fine." I've never felt this weak before.

"What can I do to help?" She asked.

Breathing hard I said, "Nothing. Will you sit with me?" She nodded with a smile, sitting back down at the edge of my bed, "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do after slapping you. Sorry, for that by the way," she said pushing her hair behind her ears. She sat with one leg on the bed as the other dangled off the side. All I had to do was tilt my head a little to the side and I could see... Wow, too much. I shook off that thought and went back to looking at Freya's eyes, "So what now?" She asked.

"Nothing. We wait and heal," I said. We sat in silence for a few moments because I didn't know what else to say. We could be this way for a few days or for a few months. It truly was a waiting game.



"After the bar came tumbling down on us. Did you.. I don't know... go anywhere else?" She asked.

"No, I just woke up in containment and then blacked. The next thing I knew I was waking up and you were here. Why?" I questioned.

"I think I did. And I don't know how to say this, because I don't want to hurt you or make you upset. But I really want to know-"

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