JavaScript Loving Soul

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Chapter 44


"Make it STOP!" I shouted.

"I second that," Anson said. We were all finally strong enough to stand. But it didn't matter how much we banged on the walls or try to use our elements. Nothing was breaking down these walls. And I have nothing against Cecilia, it's just I can't take any more of this music! If I had to stay in here for one more minute, I was going to start punching someone.

"I could put on something else. Freya has a list of music." Was she trying to say a playlist?

"Just turning it off would be good," Milo spoke up. I couldn't sit down anymore; I was pacing back and forth. What was taking so long? Where did Freya go? What happened with Hercules? Cecilia wasn't telling us anything and it was driving me insane.

"Pacing isn't going to do anything but make you tired. You should conserve your energy, Freya put us in here, she will get us out," Alaric said yawning.

"How are they doing?" We heard Hercules voice come in through the microphone. So, he was still here. But Freya wasn't, so something had happened between them.

"Good, my Lord", Cecilia said politely. She didn't turn off the mic like she normally did. I didn't have a good feeling about this. If it was on, it was because she wanted us to hear. I looked over to Leo and asked, "Can you gauge her emotions?"

"A little, all I'm getting is anxiety. If we weren't in here, I could tell you more-"

"Do you know when Freya will be back? Or where she went?" He demanded.

"No, my Lord," she spoke softly.

"That's a lie," Alaric said to himself. That's right he can see past people's deceptions and illusions.

"Well, when you see her again. Let her know I didn't mean to upset her. I only came to let her know the good news about Poseidon. Which I guess is good news for you too?"

"I have no ill intent towards any of the Gods," Cecilia said almost like she had a script. Something wasn't right. I didn't need Leo or Alaric to tell me something was off.

Hercules chuckled to himself, "If Poseidon did anything, he made you polite."

"Asshole." Alaric said.

"Yes, my Lord," she said with no emotions. Yeah, I was getting that feeling too. Hercules was polite and charming only when Freya was around. Like his father, he could be fickle and unpredictable. "Zeus and Hades came to the agreement that entombment would be the best punishment for Poseidon. Five hundred years separated from the sea buried deep in Tartarus." Poseidon was getting off easy. Five hundred years is nothing when you've had an eternity of kidnapping women. "Originally, Zeus was only going to do a hundred, but Ares pushed for more. Got it?"

And we're supposed to work with this tool?

Even the God of War has a soft spot for his daughter. I had a feeling Freya wouldn't see this as justice. I wasn't even kidnapped, and I didn't think that was right. Poseidon created a God-Killer. In what world is five hundred years in timeout equal to the physical and mental strain he put on Freya?

"Yes, my Lord," Cecilia said again void of all emotion. Silence filled the room for a heartbeat.

"For a mortal you're pretty," we heard Hercules say. That's not good.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Alaric stood up staring up at the panel windows, "HEY! Cecilia!"

"Are you out of your damn mind if he's still up there-"

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