Look at Me, Keeping My Clothes on

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Chapter 7


I screamed at the top of my lungs. These two weren't just going to kill me; they were going to eat me.

"Freya!" I heard Damon yell. He was in a dead sprint rushing towards me, but I quickly lost sight of him. If Leo and Damon couldn't fight off this thing, how the hell could I? I struggled trying to wiggle free. He was squeezing me so tightly I thought my insides were going to burst out. I was so tired after holding us invisible for so long. I knew it was going to lead to a blackout, but in that moment, I would have tried to hold it forever.

I was getting dizzy from being swung back and forth. Lightning struck the ground in front of the giant. Making him stop. The next thing I knew I was falling to the ground. Someone caught me. I couldn't make out a face. It wasn't Damon, Leo or Milo. This man was eight feet tall with two massive daggers strapped on his back. And he just cut the giant's hand clean off. The giant let out a blood curling cry.

His voice was low and threatening, "Run home to your mother." He set me on the ground, and I collapsed on my knees against my own weight. Looking up at the man, my jaw dropped. He was covered in blood, dressed in a black fitted tee, tactical pants, and shit-stomper boots. Lightning lit the woods giving me a brief moment to see, his perfectly chiseled face, black hair and eyes.

He walked away from me and pulling his daggers out. I reached out for him grabbing his pant leg, "Thank you," I choked out. He didn't look back at me he just moved forward.

I didn't need an introduction to know this was Ares.

He broke into a run charging for the giant, throwing his daggers directly into the giant eyes. The daggers returned to him. And like a star lineman he tackled the giant to the ground. Ares wrestled him like it was child's play. The ground violently shook, and the sky filled with lightning and thunder.

I felt a tongue running up my back, "Miss me?"

I called up the earth to put a wall between us. He jumped over it and I did the same thing again. Hiding in my makeshift tent.

"Peek-a-boo," the disfigured man taunted. With a scream, I shut myself in the small space. I prayed that this rock tent held up.


He was ramming himself against my safe haven. I saw small cracks starting to form in my makeshift tent. He was going to get in. Or I was going to blackout.

Okay Freya just breathe.

Isn't that what the glowing orb inside my belly told me?

I wanted to melt that monster, but I've used every last drop of my ability. My eyes felt heavy and black spots started to eat way at my vision. I'm just going to rest my eyes. Just for a second. And with that thought darkness consumed me.

I was too weak to open my eyes, but something was biting my hand.

"Get off her fucker!"

Damon was here. So, I can sleep more.

I felt strong hands carrying me, "NO, you can't take her. Ares! Ares!" Mom is upset. She's crying.

Don't cry Mommy.

I needed to help her, after my nap.

When I woke up again, I could open my eyes. I bolted up.

Where am I?

I looked around the empty pink bedroom confused. Someone put me in a short black nightgown.

What happened in the woods?

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