The Demigods Guide to Life

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Chapter 29


Well, that was harmless.

I had to listen to a lecture on, 'The importance of not killing' even though I can. And just because I'm a demigod doesn't mean I have the right to give into raw emotions. The rules are in place for a reason. Blah, blah, blah....

They wanted to continue training me too. Even though I told them Poseidon had done that. The big topic was what to do now that I was a God Killer. Wait, correction I have the potential to be a God Killer. Since, I haven't actually killed a God people can't call me that. If I ever see Poseidon again, I'll make sure I earn that title.

Damon couldn't come in with me to the meeting. But he heard the basics. I was currently walking back to the waiting area to him. I started walking down the grand staircase.

"How was it?" Damon said standing up to meet me at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not going to demigod jail, so pretty good." He offered me his hand.

I stop on the second step making me stand at eye level with him. I accepted his hand, "Ready to go?"

"Depends how messed up my room is. Or if I even have a room," we teleported back to the mansion.

"This is your room," Damon said sheepishly.

"Your room? Gezzz, you didn't waste any time." I said throwing myself onto to the bed. Damon stood by the door with his hands behind his back.

"Well the imposter Freya was...umm.."

I push myself up on my elbows and looked up to him. How cute. Damon was getting flustered, "Screwing you, so much she made the Kamasutra blush?" He was silent. "It's okay. You're a man with needs and urges. Fake Freya was open for business and Vanessa is just a phone call away," I said holding his stare.

"It's not like that with Vanessa," he said. But it was with fake Freya.

I could feel how uncomfortable Damon was so I quickly change the subject, "I can crash on the couch, poof home or go to Alaric's room if you prefer?"

"No, I can sleep on the couch. You can have the bed. Tomorrow, we'll work on getting you a room."

I wanted to say we could share the bed it was big enough. But, at the same time I couldn't bring myself to say that. I wanted to go back to the way we were before Poseidon took me. Is that impossible?

"You know I don't sleep much these days. You go ahead and take the bed," I sat up fully, "I only need an hour of sleep and I'd be fine."

"Oh," Damon said letting that hang in the air, "Still you should have it."

I looked over to a clock by his nightstand as my stomach growled it was almost midnight. I should eat something. I stood up and said, "The kitchen is calling me. So, I guess this is good night."

"I can come with you if you'd like?"

"No, I'm good. I'll see you at training bright and early," I said with a forced smile before teleporting to the kitchen.

I walked barefooted down the aisle of tables. The house was quiet and dark. The only light that came into the cafeteria was the moonlight from a wall of windows. I found some chips and a soda and started aimlessly walking around the mansion. I had too much energy just to sit. I ended up in a hallway that had black and white checker boards floors. A chill ran down my spine and making the hairs on my arms stand on ends.

"Hello." A voice said like a breathy whisper in my ear. I stopped dead in my tracks. I knew that voice. I heard it in my dream. I started to speed walk. In a long, drawn-out breath, it said, "Hello."

Gifted (The Olympus Brotherhood #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora