Not Such a Good Girl

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Chapter 38


"Anything?" I said as we search the nearby forest. Sunlight was starting filled the sky, pure scattered light; its hue ambitiously illuminating each crevice of the land. Birds chirped an explicit background melody.

"Nope." Leo shouted back to me.

"We'd all fucking see it," Alaric said coming up behind me. After no sleep and a full night with Alaric, I had just about had it with him.

"Should we go back?" Milo asked.

Woof woof

It didn't take us long to find Honey. He was fixated on a tree that had to be older than time itself. The tree's branches lifted to the sky as if its presence was enough to beat back the darkness and command the daylight to fall on its papery leaves. The bark shone like the right kind of gold, the sort that inspires the mind to heady heights of imagination, opening doors to fantastical kingdoms.

"Yeah," there was just nothing to be found.

I was not excited to see Freya. Every time we got to a good place, it felt like someone was throwing a wrench directly at my head. I just couldn't understand why she was trying to defend the undefendable. The Order has done so much wrong not only to The Brotherhood, but to her. Did she just forget or forgive the fact that they did try to kidnap her? And the prisoners they tortured and killed? The breeding? Was that all forgivable in her eyes?

Leo teleported us to the front of the castle. As we walked into the concrete fortress, I heard Freya's voice and another woman.

Woof woof woof

Honey ran past us up the grand staircase into the dining room, "I don't know about you guys, but I am beat," Leo said yawning.

"Same, we can go back out after some R and R," Milo said.

Alaric climbed the stairs following Honey, "We been chasing after a dog all night and didn't find anything. Whatever was out there is gone now." Milo and Leo shrugged their shoulders and disappeared down the nearby hallway to the bedrooms. I walked up the stairs behind Alaric.

I smelled croissants, toast, hash browns and all the other confectionaries you could possibly imagine for breakfast on a Sunday morning. Alaric paused outside of the door.

"...I really don't think that's a good idea. If you give it time, they will eventually put their differences aside." I knew this voice. It was the woman Freya brought back to Haven after she escape from Poseidon. What was her name? Cecilia?

I heard something being slammed on the table, "They are going to get us killed! Be on my side!" Freya snapped.

"I am. It's just, you need to really think about the consequences of your actions. When you get frustrated you don't think straight," Cecilia said.

"I have never been more sure of something in my life. So, will you help me?" Freya pleaded. I heard Cecilia exhale hard.

"I make no promises. But I will look into it" Cecilia said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Freya said, enthusiastically. A chair was being pulled out and I heard Freya say, "Come on, Honey. Bath time."

Look into what? I shared a glance with Alaric. He had to be thinking the same thing I was. A few moments past and we walked into the dining room to see Cecilia deep in thought clenching a mug of coffee with both hands. She wore a timeless navy wrap dress. She didn't even seem to hear us come in.

"Hey." Alaric said making Cecilia's head snap up to us.

"Good morning." She said standing and giving us a slight bow.

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