Everything, Everything?

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Chapter 18


"This is not what I had in mind" I said dryly.

"I would gladly do the same thing for you," Freya said with a smile. When she asked me how rebellious I was feeling, I had an idea of our clothes on the floor. Especially, after that touch on the walk path. But, here we were in the kitchen cooking Alaric a cake.

"Done! And not too bad. I bet this is better than any drink at Moonies," she beamed. I loved feeling her emotions when she was in a good mood. It was like chasing a high.

She still had no idea Moonies was a Brotherhood only strip club not far from campus.

"And this is for you," she held out a cookie with the number twelve12 on it, "Damon Gideon, Descendant of Hades, will you accept this cookie and be one of the twelve that helps me save the world?" She asked. I bit the cookie still in her hand.

It's actually good.

"I heard that" she said warping the cookies in individual bags with bows, "You ate the cookie which means you accept."

"You don't need to bribe us with sweets. We all want to live," I said.

"Yes, but you still have a choice," she said, "eEnd of the world or not, you still have a choice. We could easily lose against Nyx and Erebus. Are you sure you want to spend your final days or months fighting a war and not on some beach with a Victoria's Secret model and a bottle of wine?"

Only if the model is you.

Fuck! Did she hear that? Ever since Freya stood up to Ares, I can honestly say I've gone crazy in lust for her. If I only had a few months on Earth, this is where I would want to be. Fighting alongside my brothers .... and sister?

Freya put the cake in the refrigerator to cool. Since, we were playing hooky all day, we could do anything.

"Damon?" Freya asked.

"Yeah," I said turning to face her.

"Why don't you wear the ring?"

"Uummm yeah...." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't going to admit to her I didn't want to end up like Roman. I have no proof to prove my theory, but I'm sure once Roman got his ring it's what corrupted him. You don't just get power like that and go back to your normal day job. If I needed it, I would use it, but it definitely wasn't an everyday thing like her thigh band.

"You are not Roman so stop putting yourself down. You're Damon," she said walking away with her hands folded behind her back. She had the cookies in hand to, "And I think you are the first person to call me a model. From you that's a huge complement." With that she disappeared.

What the fuck!

I teleported to Freya's room. She sat on the edge of her bed with a book at her side. Honey laid on her love sofa.

"You heard that?" I said.

"I hear everything in your mind. Why? Are you embarrassed by it?" She held up the thick brown hardback book, "It's natural for claimed people to have thoughts like that." She handed me the book, "Maybe you should be reading it more than me."

I took the book, "Who gave you this?" When did she even have the time to read this?

"Elder Favian he also gave me another book that we won't be using," she said looking away from me.


"It's nothing. So, drop it", she was flustered.

You may be better at this mind stuff than me, but eventually it will slip out.

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