Torture Does Wonders For The Complexion

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Chapter 30


Vvvzzzztttt vvvvzzzttt

I looked over to the nightstand and saw Damon's phone was going off. I didn't answer it, but I did see that Leo was calling. Should I wake him up? Before I could even give it a second thought there was banging at the door, "Wake up! Damon we'll be late, and I don't want to hear Linford's mouth." It was Leo.

I got out of bed with a smile. I threw the door open to see him wearing and gray Nike T-shirt with black shorts and running tennis shoes. Leo had a cup of coffee in his hand, "Hey, when did you wake up?"

"Yesterday. How are you? What happened after we split up?"

"I'm good. Nothing really happened when I was there. We got everyone out on the second level and those that could fight helped once we got back on land. We got a stern talking to. But overall, The Elders have to be happy we saved over thirty people. And no one got killed. So that's a win in my book." He walked past me to Damon on the couch. Pointing down at Damon he said, "Trouble in Paradise?"

"He wanted to sleep there. I told him I don't sleep much these days, but he insisted," I said shutting the door and going to put on my shoes.

Leo nodded, "Always the gallant one," he shook Damon awake, who jumped to attention.

"I'm up," he said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good. Everyone else is to," Leo said satisfied handing Damon the coffee.

"Morning," I said to Damon. He gave me a small wave and nod. Then headed into the bathroom to get ready.

"Can I keep the trident?" Leo said turning his attention back to me, "I figured you wouldn't want it." He was one hundred per cent right. I didn't want anything to remind me of Poseidon.

"Go for it. But, if Poseidon comes looking for it, I make no promises or guarantees that I can help you take him on." I've gotten my ass kicked too many times by him. I could go a lifetime without another.

"Don't worry if Poseidon comes looking for it. I never had it. And I have no idea what a trident is," He said.

"That's the smartest thing you can do." Since I had Leo here, I might as well ask him about my newfound book. I went back over to the nightstand and held up the book, "I found this. Could you give me any insight on it?" Leo started to almost hyperventilate. "What?" I asked looking at it, "Don't tell me this book is like a bomb or something," I said tossing it on the bed.

"BE GENTLE WITH THAT!" Leo screamed.

"Why it's a book? And it's not even gentle with itself. I saw it drag itself across the floor."

"What's all the yelling about?" Damon said coming out of the bathroom wearing a black compression shirt and shorts. I took in his muscles, the clean-shaven square jaw and tuned into his voice.


"She was Gifted with Athena's wisdom!" Leo said running over to the gingerly holding it like a baby he continued, "Do you have any idea how rare and important this is!?"

"Nope." I said honestly.

"In recent years Athena, has gone silence. She showed little interest to mankind. If she's reaching out to you it must be important," Damon said.

"I'll trade you the trident for this," Leo said excited.

"No deal. That's my demigod guide to life. And I'm actually curious to see what else is in there," I said taking back the book and putting it back on the nightstand, "Besides we have training to do."

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