A Bang and a Wave

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Chapter 49


"I never thought I'd see the day I'd be thankful to have a basic laptop," Callan said starting to pack up as much as he could carry.

"I see no one's trying to keep up the appearance that we've not left." Bash said trying to flick on all the lights in the lab.

I sat at a nearby table on the stool like chair. Watching them pack up as much stuff as they could, "Can I help or..." Do something to expedite this.

Callan grabbed a scrap piece of paper and started to write something down on it, "You can collect these books in the library upstairs, if you want too."

"Can we take these?" I said taking the piece of paper and looking at the list. Some of these books were over five hundred years old.

"I don't see why not, it's not like we have to check them out; it's an honor system," Bash said stuffing a box with wires. Leaving them to sort through what we needed I ran up the stairs to the library on the second floor. I walked through the door and hit a... spider web? Oh shit. Not this again.

As soon as I walked through the library door I was teleported back in time. I was driving a 1964 Ford Mustang down a dark desolate road. Charles got a car.

I still wasn't in control of my body Charles looked over to Olivia who was asleep in the passenger seat, who was very much pregnant. If I could clap I would. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the back seat filled with suitcases. Where were they going? Vacation?

Olivia started to wake up, "Hey darlin' how you feeling?"

"Tired, but good," she said with a sleepiness to her. Looking over to her I saw sadness in her eyes. What happened?

Charles reached out to hold her hand, "It's going to be okay, once we get to New York we'll be fine."

"We can't stay with your cousin forever. And with the baby on the way..."

"We'll be fine. Lots of stuff is happening in New York. Benny is going to help me get a job in construction. And you and the little one can stay home." I almost envied Charles optimism. He just wasn't going to let life tear him down. And he was doing right by Olivia. Charles look back over to Olivia she was still so melancholy, "Eventually, they will come around. Just give it time."

"I don't think they will." She said softly. They weren't going on vacation they were running away. Damn.

I didn't know a lot about history outside of what the University taught us. Which wasn't a lot of US History. But, from what I can gather we're somewhere in the 60's. Not a good time to be an interracial couple. But my boy, Charles, is way before his time. I take it we're in the middle of eloping.

Whenever I get thrown out of this blast from the past, I'll have to look up a 60's timeline. "We're going to be okay." Charles said directing his attention back onto the road. Olivia kissed him briefly on the cheek.

"You think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" She asked.

"Girl." Charles said beaming with pride. I could tell he was ecstatic about the idea of being a dad. "She'll be just like her mother."

"Wild?" She laughed rubbing her belly.

"Are you quoting your mom?" Charles said.

"You would be hearing a lot rougher language," she said.

"Can you do me a favor and open the glove box?" Charles said quickly changing the subject. Why was he nervous all of a sudden?

Olivia opened the glove box and gasped, "Oh my god, Charles!" She said almost hyperventilating.

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