Definitely Not a White Castles

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Chapter 2


Or to the creek behind my mother's house.

Not again.

I teleported but lost my clothes. I was butt naked. I don't know why sixty percent of the time when I teleport my clothes never make it. I still had a death grip on my cell phone. I blew out hot air too warm my body up. I jogged up the hill to the house. I have to make it inside the house before I pass out. I had no doubt in my mind if I were going to blackout this would be the safest place to do that. That still didn't give me any comfort sleeping on the dirt ground, butt ass naked.

Looking up the hill to the house I thought; how my mom could afford this place. It was my mother's dream house. Well, dream mansion a Mediterranean estate. Showcasing the finest finishes and old-world artisanship throughout. Soaring ceilings featuring gold leaf domes hung with Baccarat Crystal and Murano Glass Chandeliers. The place came with a gym, a sauna, wine cellar, elevator, pool house with a chef's kitchen and guest suite, lighted tennis court, media room, in-law suite, and so much more. And the best part it was private and secure.

Fatigue was starting to set in. I reach the top of the hill and saw all the lights in the house were off. Mom must be at work.

Great, now I don't have to explain what happened. Mom would try and guilt me into moving back home if she knew about tonight. I crossed through the tennis court and the pool to the back door. I found the key Mom kept in the bushes for me and used it to open the French double doors. My vision was getting blurry.

"Mom! You home?" I called out.

Nothing. I locked the door behind me and headed upstairs to my old room.

Almost there!

I really need to redecorate. My room was your typical fifteen-year-old girl room. The walls were covered with One Direction and Twilight posters. The wicker furniture didn't help either. Ignoring my terrible interior design, I went to my dresser and pulled out some clothes, long pajama pants and a tank top.

I made it!

God I was tired. After a jump like that my body always needed a reset. If I tried to push through it my body would go haywire and act on its own accord. I was crashing hard I just needed to make it into-.


On the floor.

I blacked out. Normally, when this happened it was like drowning in ink. This time it was like being covered in silk and velvet. It was oddly comforting. I was floating in nothingness.

"He was a she!" A voice said far away.

"You wish." another voice said.

"No really, this was a girl. She was Gifted with wind and could teleport." That was the guy with the amber eyes. What did the blue-eyed man call him? Leo? No. Damon!

"There are no women Gifted, Zeus would never allow it. Did you ever think maybe it was a guy in really impressive drag?" another man said.

"Hey!" I shouted offended they were talking about me, "I am a girl! With boobs and ovaries! You dick!"

"Did you hear that?" that was Leo's voice.

"Yes, interesting. Don't be rude, child. Come in." a kinder voice said.

I blinked and I was sitting at a long table.

"Yup, she is a she." A man said sitting next to me. He was built like a tank. The had a low buzz cut and a long-jagged scar on his arm. But his smile and seafoam green eyes were genuine. I liked his smile even though it was a little crooked.

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