Brotherly Duty

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Chapter 8


Your wish is my command.

And with that Freya was gone.

The meeting was going better than expected. Once everyone knew Freya was a Demigod, everyone fell in line for the most part. Most of the men in the room only heard stories of the demigod abilities and Gifts. Only The Elders can remember a time when the demigods were normal members of The Brotherhood. But even they can't recall a time when a female was Gifted.

Once everyone got over the initial shock, the meaning became more of about who gets to train Freya? The Light Arts or the Dark Arts. And if I was being honest neither one would be ideal for her. Training in the Light Art takes years of studying and both physical and mental training to make your Gifts and body one in the same entity. The Dark Arts would be no easier. Yes, you're driven by your passions, desires, and raw emotions, but it takes one hundred percent dedication and loyalty to yourself and to The Brotherhood. Freya just found out about this world it would be hard to commit yourself eternally to something you have no idea about. And her main concern right now it doesn't seem to be training. Her thoughts were mainly with her family.

"When will the Awakening take place?" Logan asked.

I have nothing against Logan; he was just an asshole who only cared about himself. He is as stubborn and hard-headed as the rocks he controls. Logan's team was incredibly undisciplined ergo the lack of Alaric not showing up again. Tobias was okay, lazy but okay. If I didn't stay on Leo, he would be just like Tobias; it has to be a water thing. The only real hard-working member on Logan's team was Callan and that was because he was borderline genius. The Brotherhood mostly kept him in a basement on site working on some project with Bash. They both rarely went into the field.

"As soon as possible," said Elder Aldo.

"As soon as the girl is able to complete the ceremony. These things can't be rushed, we must keep in mind," Elder Favian corrected. Years of being away from battle has soften Elder Favian. He's become more of the go-to Grandpa figure then an authoritarian, all-knowing and powerful Elder.

"When the time does come, we encourage all of you to witness it." Elder Mendel statement wasn't a suggestion, it was a demand.

"We will be opening this up to Haven too. It will be a good educational experience and a historical one," Elder Hakim added. Of course, his first go to thought would be to the university; seeing as he was the president of it.

"When will Freya's placement be announced," I asked. Once she is placed in her Creed- light or dark- she would be put on a team. She could be placed anywhere, but it would only make sense that she would stay with us. Between all of us being a Descendant of the twelve main gods, we would be unstoppable. Leo is a Descendant of Poseidon, Milo is a Descendant of Demeter, Sebastian has Athena and I am a Descendant of Hades. If we add Freya, just as a demigod the possibilities would be endless, after a few years of training on Freya's part we could wipe out The Order.

"Placement has yet to be decided. We're still looking into how to properly sort her," Dheemand confessed.

"So there's a chance that everyone will have a fair opportunity to have the girl," Logan said critically staring at me.

"Problem?" I asked.

"Just making sure everyone has the same opportunity. Just because your team found her doesn't necessarily mean you're the best fit," Logan replied.

"No, it just means they were doing their job better than you," Bash tossed out.

"Exactly, isn't St. Louis one of the city's you are supposed to be patrolling? So how did Leo and Damon, all the way in Chicago, feel her out before you?" Milo added. If there's one thing we can all agree on it's no one likes Logan's self-righteous attitude.

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