Rhythm of Your Heart

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Chapter 37


"Sorry, kid no ID, no entry," the bouncer said. He could easily pass as The Rock's body double except he had a full head of brown hair.

It took about five jumps, but I finally made it to Big Ben which was an hour away from this place. Luckily, I ran into someone who was nice enough to tell me how to get here using the underground.

"I swear, I'm twenty-three! Look." I said pointing at my shoes as I clicked them together making them glow in the dark, "I bought these with my first paycheck." Granted my mom took me shopping with that first paycheck, but still I bought these with my adult job!

"Then go find your ID and come back," he said dismissing me. Fine.

I walked around to the side of the building looking for an alleyway. Once, I found one, I turned invisible.

So, much for getting me in Anson.

I walked past my bouncer friend into the venue turning visible again. If anyone saw me now, I would just play it off as them being high.

The whole place looked like an old theatre house that had been completely updated. Everything was a bright cherry red and gold. The walls were lined with buff men acting as columns. I could see the small stage was once used for plays by the side balconies. There were three levels: the standard mosh-pit of people in front of the stage all crowded together, the balcony was no better and there was another mezzanine level. There was also a giant disco ball in the center of the ceiling. I couldn't move without running into someone. The place was completely sold out, yet still had an intimate feeling.

I slowly made my way to the front of the stage as light started to dim, and the crowd went crazy.

"Warwick! Warwick! Warwick!" The crowd shouted. Each person in the crowd moved as if unseeing hands drag them this way and that way, pulling their eyes to one thing and then another as a disco ball started twirling. Smoke covered the stage as the band ran out and picked up their instruments. But there was no Anson.

"WE LOVE YOU, ANSON!" A girl screamed directly into my ear. Followed by the crowd chanting, "Anson! Anson! Anson!" The music started up and the crowd went wild.

Another girl screamed, "There HE IS!" I turned my attention back to the stage and saw Anson wasn't running out but was floating down to the stage like the second coming of Christ.

God damn! Everyone could see him there was no wires! Did he not care?!

"Who's ready to have the time of their fucking lives?" The crowd went wild as Anson, landed in front of the mic, in the superhero landing pose. He rose, swinging his hair back and immediately jumped into the song.   

His voice was smooth and clear and quiet yet powerful. Soothing, in a way. I know you don't really call a guy's voice beautiful, but Anson was. It was like a sweet promise of tomorrow. It was breathtaking.

Maybe it was because this was my first concert, but he really did know how to put on a show. Every motion was full of energy, the lyrics were sincere, and everyone here could tell Anson and crew were having the time of their lives. 

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