Be Brave, Freya.

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Chapter 19


Something was dragging me down to the bottom of the sea. I tried to fight it off, but it only made it pull me down quicker. The sunlight was fading.

Air. I need air.

I fought and kicked. My lungs were on fire. My vision was spotty. I opened my mouth unwillingly ready to drink in the water that will have ultimately drowned me.

Air! I can breathe!

I looked around to see nothing; no schools of fish, no sharks, no life. Just darkness and the water. After a few minutes of being pulled down, I was submerged in complete darkness. Looking down I saw a hint of white light. Bubbles were coming up slow at first but then a barrage hit me. The light grew and exploded around me in a rainbow of lights. The force pulling me down let me go and I sawn up as fast as I could. I broke through the water.

"Damon!" I yelled. Looking around I immediately noticed I wasn't on the beach anymore, I was in a tall cave full of jewels; gold, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds grew from the ground and ceiling likes stalactites and stalagmites. "Damon?! Is anyone here!?" Do I stay here or risk moving?

"Come forth," a booming voice said. His voice echoed all throughout the cave. Shaking the water.

"Who are you?" I tried to say fearlessly. There was a reverberating BANG, BANG, BANG. I was lifted out of the water.

"I said come here," the voice said. I was being pulled up too fast. I was going to crash. I braced myself for impact. I was going to be impaled I close my eyes not wanting to see the gruesome scene.

After, a few seconds of no pain I cautiously opened my eyes. I was in a throne room? Huge white pillars lead up to a grand staircase with a man sitting on an elaborate gold throne with a trident in his hand. The grand, tall windows showed me the outside scenery: we were underwater. Deep underwater, the only light here was thousands of candlelight. There were five women in chains at his feet.

I'm going to go on a guess and say this is Poseidon.

"Come," he banged his trident again. Making me jump.

Be brave, Freya.

I walked towards him acutely aware I was just in my panties and bra. At least I matched today?

The closer I got to him the smaller I became. He had to be at least eight-feet-tall and he had muscles that would make any gym rat blush. He looked forty but I knew better, his eyes were so blue they looked white.

I reached the staircase and looked up, "Demigod, do you know who I am? You will kneel in my presences," my lungs filled with water. I sank to the ground spewing out the water and clenching my throat.

"Enough." Poseidon waved his hand and suddenly I could breathe air again. Choking I stayed knelt on the floor afraid to get up.

"From this day fourth you are mine. I claim you, until your dying day," Poseidon commanded.

Gagging I was finally able to say, "I'm already Claimed."

He stood and each step down to me was an earthquake he cracked the ground beneath him, "By a Descendant." He was mad. I didn't dare look him in the eyes. Poseidon pulled me by my hair so hard I thought he was going to break my neck. Tears filled my eyes, "I have plans for you. You can be Claimed by a human for all I care. You're mine now." He moved his hands to my neck, and I felt my energy start to fade. He took it all until I has no more to take. It was as if I was being electrocuted from the inside out it was hard to breathe. He was ripping the elements out of me.

When he was done, he dropped me to the ground.

Damon help me.

"Call him all you want. No one is looking for you. I've made sure of that," he banged his Triton again.


That was the last thing I remembered before pasting out.

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