Your Next

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Chapter 22


"Again" Poseidon's voice boomed. He was training me. If I didn't get something or messed up, he would drain me like he did on my first day here. No one was coming, I had accepted that. Damon had cut me off. I couldn't hear him, and he couldn't hear me. I was on my own.

I was going to die here. That was a bitter pill to swallow, but what choice did I have. Fight, Poseidon?

Maybe? I don't want to die. I want to go home. Go home to what? An empty house.

Poseidon banged his trident on the ground, "Enough for today." I stopped. He put my blocker necklace on. Then, walked to his throne. Poseidon pushed me past ever limit I thought I had. Every morning I woke up my body ached. I needed to stop crying myself to sleep. Tears wouldn't help me. Nothing would.

I returned to my room. Each of the girls here had a room. The women I saw on Poseidon throne were his slaves. Girls he took from the sea. Most of them have been here over fifty years, Poseidon made sure none of them aged.

I walked into my glass dome shape room. I could see the whole ocean from any direction. I threw myself on my bed. Willing sleep to come. I closed my eyes wishing I could be somewhere else.

Freya That was Alaric's voice. Don't give up. I haven't and Honey hasn't. That made me smile. We're going to bring you home. I swear it.

"You can't reach me here. Even I can't teleport away," I tried and tried on that end. I couldn't hear Damon anymore, but I could hear Alaric. Without him, I would be lost. Even though Alaric wasn't physically here just hearing his voice was a reward. He was doing everything in his power to bring me home.

Have patience. I am coming.

I opened my eyes and saw Cecilia standing at my bed side with a medical kit. She started to be the one that fixes me up after Poseidon breaks me down. Cecilia was a classical type of beauty with medium wavy brown hair, her figure was slim and tall. But, most importantly Cecilia was the reason people wanted Bette Davis Eyes they were so brilliant blue.

"I saw what happened. How is your eye?" She asked putting an ice pack on my eye.

"Which one?" Poseidon didn't hold back. I knew I was getting stronger I could feel it. Who knew pain and fear would be a great motivation?

"Hermes, came earlier today. I overheard him delivering a message to Poseidon. The gods know what he's trying to do." Right. Poseidon is turning me in to a God-killer. He wants Zeus's throne. If I can get it for him, he says he'll let me go. I didn't believe that for a second.

"Yeah? Who's going to stop him?"

"Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hades or Dionysus. No one wants a God-killer to be made," I do. If I become the God Killer, the first person I'm going after is Poseidon. I only hope if it does happen, I can get my chains off. "It's been days or months, no one is coming," I said.

"It's only been three months. But, down here time moves slower." It felt like an eternity, "Poseidon wants you to come to dinner, when we are finished here."


"Wants or demands?" I knew the answer. "Never mind, don't answer." I kept feeling the same beating drum pulse through my body. The low hum was growing louder.

"Shall we go?" Cecilia said.

"Yeah" I sat up weakly.

"Let me help you dress," Cecilia waved her hand over me. Making a silk charmeuse fully lined green dress appear. There was a slight train in the back with spaghetti straps and gathering fabric along the waist. The dress reminded me of the 30's. Which made sense, Cecilia was born in 1912 and was kidnapped by Poseidon in 1933. She waved her hand over herself putting herself in a beautiful black gown with two scarves that hung low down her back that gave a dramatic look.

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