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Chapter 12


This has been the longest fucking day in history; Harpies, Shades and Keres this was getting out of hand. Why would the gods use Haven as their personal playground for war? And what happened to Freya? After the garden I hadn't seen her all day. I called to her and got nothing. After this I was going to look under every rock until I found her. I just pray that she's alive.

The Council has been trying to figure out a plan for what to do when the Harpies and Keres return. The cafeteria was transformed into the base of operations. The Elders sat in front of the room leading the charge on our new threat. I just wish they would hurry up; every second I'm here is a second Freya is alone. She called for help and I couldn't do anything to help her. After, about five minutes of this meeting I stop listening. I tapped my foot impatiently; have the meetings always been this long?

"Man, she's fine. Stop stressing out," Leo whispered next to me.

"Yeah, do you know how hard it is to kill a demigod," Bash added.

"Not that fucking hard seeing as they're all gone," I snapped. Just then the back door was slammed opened causing the room to turn back.

Of course, it was Alaric.

"Nice of you to join us, Alaric," Elder Aldo said.

"You know me; wouldn't miss this for the world."


He stood in a corner in the back of the room leaning against the wall. The meeting continued and not thirty minutes later Alaric was being Alaric. He was laughing. What the hell was so funny? The goddesses of death were coming back. And he just laughed at it.

"Is there something you wish to say, Alaric?" Elder Dheemand said clearly pissed off.

"Yeah, I have on good authority the Keres are dead. So, this is kind of a huge waste of time," he declared to the room, pushing himself off of the wall.

"Really, on whose authority?" Elder Favian asked.

"You want to say something, or just stand there," he said tilting his head.

"Hi," Freya said appearing next to Alaric. The crowed started to erupt with whispers and gossip.

She's alive!

Relief filled my body. She survived the day somehow.

"This is a brotherhood! There are no women allowed!" cried a voice.

"Her being here is an insult to the gods," shouted another.

"Zeus, will not stand for this!" There was so much hate in the room. I thought we move past this when The Council announced she wasn't just any woman. Freya is a demigod her father is Ares and she apparently, has been carrying around Gaia.

"Poor thing is scared," Leo said.

I didn't need a gift to know that. The Council was trying to re-establish order, but no one was listening. Everyone had an opinion they felt needed to be said.

I knew there would be backlash. But, not to the extent of pitch forks and knives.

Gods, I wanted to beat them into submission. How dare they talk to Freya like that. She didn't do anything to be on the end of such animosity.

She vanished.

"Order, ORDER! I demand order," Elder Mendel commanded, "Let the girl speak."

A few seconds past of silence.

Alaric searched the room, "You fuckers chased her away. Un-fucking-believable the level of disrespect. I hope you're all are happy because you just played yourselves..."

Freya reappeared in front of the council covered in dust and dirt, "Proof," she said putting three night black heads in front of The Council.

"I was told by Hercules the Harpies flew back to their nest," she said stepping back away from the table. "I should go before Gaia shows back up."

"You are dismissed," Elder Favian said quickly. With that said she vanished. Once Freya left, we were all chastised for our behavior. And reminded of Freya's abilities. The gods have shown favor to Freya with no training, she killed the Keres.

Two hours later we were dismissed, "I'll catch you guys later. I'm going to check on Freya." I teleported outside of her door and knocked.


"Freya, it's me," I opened her door. Someone moved her in. There were boxes everywhere. But, no Freya.

Woof woof woof

Honey was still here. I shut the door. Where did she go?


I called out mentally. Still nothing.

I turned to my room, opened the door and found Freya asleep on my couch. She wasn't wearing her armor anymore. Just a simple green nightgown. I went to my closet and pulled out a blanket and placed it around her.

I should wake her up and send her to her room. But, I couldn't. After the testimonies I heard from the other Brotherhood members, she had a long day. There were only sixty or so Brotherhood members in America, so went an attack happens we all end up on the frontline; Unable to help the civilians and students, until we have fought back the attackers.

It doesn't help that most in The Brotherhood would find it demeaning, helping in the after math. But everyone that saw Freya only gave the impression that she liked helping and wanted to.

Isn't she beautiful, Damon?

Elder Favian words came to mind. Shaking that thought off I went to shower then straight to bed. I laid down ready for sleep.

The hell?

There was a small gold box on my nightstand. I reached for the box and opened it. A ring. Silver ruby ring. Upon further examination I saw it had the seals of Hades on the side.


He was gifting me the flames of the underworld. There was a note at the bottom of the box.

Take care of yourself first. She will be the death of you. Do not fall for her.


I looked over to Freya. If we are truly bonded to each other do I really have a say? Like Elder Favian said one can't exist without the other. If this is my fate, I would do everything in my power to keep her safe. Isn't that what Claimed people did? They also loved one another and truly believed they found their other half. I don't know Freya enough to say that. I've given my life to The Brotherhood. I don't plan on stopping.

I stared at Freya and thought there is a real possibility I could die on a mission. I would be dooming her to death too. And the same could be said for Freya, if she decides to stay after her training.

I put on the ring. It fit perfectly. As soon as I had the ring on my hand the letter burst into flames.

We'll make it work.


I went to bed thinking about the note and Freya.

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