Obstacle Course

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Chapter 17


As soon as the doctors gave me the clear to leave the hospital, I immediately began training. At least it didn't feel like training, it felt like I woke up every day, at five in the morning to get my ass kicked until six at night. I dreaded my days.

Every day I woke up and went to go to basic combat training with Alaric and the five and six-year-olds he trains. Nothing builds confidence like being outshined by six-year-old who's more competent than you. Then, water training with Leo. Who I'm sure is trying to drown me. I gave him an axe and he throws Armageddon size walls of water at me.

Next, was Earth training which was more 'pick up this rock and try to hit me without getting hit yourself'. I got hit every time. Milo wasn't playing when he got into teacher mode. I understand damn well how he kill Deacon on the bridge. Then I had lunch. Followed by air training with Bash, air was the only thing I was succeeding in. Mostly because it's the element I used the most. Training with Bash didn't feel like hard work because most of the things he had to teach me I already knew. We were mainly working on teleporting while keeping my clothes on.

Then in the evening, I would have an evening class with two of the professors at the university. They told me about the history of The Brotherhood, the demigods, The Order, basic terminology, the history of the gods, and my rights and duties as a demigod. And lastly, fire training with Damon. After what happened with Ares, Damon didn't take his eyes off me. Anywhere I went he went to. He's basically been getting free entertainment watching me fail at each of the elements.

I got out of bed. Ready to start the day. Once I was showered and dressed in a tank top, leggings and tennis shoes. I had started wearing the vulture shield necklace as a good luck charm. I needed all the luck I could get.

"Let's go, Honey! Let's go," I made a kissing sound, but Honey wasn't having it. He liked staying in my room.


I teleported to the baby gym situated in between The Brotherhoods and The Elders mansion; they tried to keep the children as safe as possible. I was early, because unlike my peers I could roam semi freely around without the help of an adult.

"Morning," Damon said appearing by the dinosaur wall, "You're here early," he handed me a cup of coffee.

Okay maybe we're more alike than I would like to admit.

I basically kept my night routine staying away from the other Brotherhood members. So, I never went to the communal breakfast, lunch or dinner.

"Morning! You know me, it's cookies and juice day, so I got to get a good spot." I sat down on the multicolored map rug enjoying the coffee Damon gave me.

Damon laughed at that, "It's only been two weeks, but you're doing better. Soon, you'll be ready for intermediate training," Damon said sitting next to me he was wearing his signature all black outfit. A long sleeve polyester workout shirt that clung perfectly to his body; showing every delicious ab and muscle and sweatpants.

Just then a disheveled Alaric came tumbling into the room he was wearing sunglasses, white basic t-shirt and grey sweatpants,"Yo" he said coming to sit by me.

"Hey, I'm going to kick myself for asking but why do you smell like smoke and sweat and like you just had the time of your life at Coachella?"

"Birthday. When out last night," he collapsed back onto the floor.

"It's your birthday! Alaric, why didn't you say anything!? We could have thrown you a party!" I said excited.

"You. She would have," Damon corrected me. He and Alaric still didn't get along, but a little bit every day it seems like they tolerated each other a little more.

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