Your Rules Don't Apply

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Chapter 24


This bitch is tough.

We were both struggling which made no fucking since she had been poisoned. How the fuck was she still kicking my ass? Damn, I was getting tired. I threw fake Freya into the stadium wall she was trying to get up just like me.

Neither one of us would concede. Fuck!

"Get up, Alaric!" I heard Vanessa scream, "She's coming!"

I sat up disoriented. She was slowly making her way to me.

I tried to stand but failed. When fake Freya got in close, she made sure every punch counted. I can't remember the last time I got my ass kicked. I fell back down. And stared at the sky. The clouds were lazily drifting across an otherwise perfect forget-me-not blue sky. The sun was streaming through a break in the clouds in great watery shafts of gold.

One of the blocked doors came tumbling down, "Get up! Get up! Get..." The crowd fell silent.

"How did you get out?! What have you done to Poseidon!?" Fake Freya said. I felt the ground cave in, and a cry echoed out.

Footsteps approached me, "Hey Alaric," real Freya came into view. Dress in Ares battle armor and colors. She knelt down next to me in the water and put my head in her lap.

Weakly, I said, "I was just on my way to rescue you."

"I know. I think you need some saving more than me," she said with a smile.

"Ya, can you believe that dick trained her to be the fucking Terminator." It was getting harder to breath.

"I bought you a present," she showed me a trident. Not just any trident, but Poseidon's.

"The best thing you could do is sit me up," she helped me up.

I held up my middle fingers to the audience, "Fuck all of you!"

Crawling out of the crater fake Freya hissed, "No. This isn't over."

Real Freya took off her cape scarf and put it underneath my head, "How were you going to rescue me? There are others trapped in Poseidon castle."

"I'll trade you. You kill this thing and I'll go. I have enough of her blood on me to get there," I said.

"Are you sure? Your kind of beaten up. I can do both," she said worried.

"No, I got that," I said standing. She was just as tall as me now and her eyes were black.

How that fuck did that happen?

"I'm the new God-Killer." The crowd erupted with gossip and cries.

"This isn't the best group of people to be announcing that to," I said looking to The Elders.

"What are they or anyone else going to do about it? I am literally a killer of Gods," she said with attitude, "You had better get going. I promised Cecilia I would send help."

"Got it. But, before I leave can you say, I concede this battle to Alaric Thorwood, Descendant of Apollo and blah blah blah blah..." I asked.

"Sure," she started to say the sentence I cut her off mid-way.

"You got to approach The Elders, take a knee and then say you concede," I said.

"I don't kneel to anyone." Okay, I'm pretty sure no one can make Freya do anything now. So as long as she concedes, I guess I'm off the hook for the battle. She announced it to the whole stadium.

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