Did You in Fact Go the Distance?

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Chapter 11



I was fighting witches with wings. Or at least autopilot Freya was. I've never touched a sword. But here I am swinging a sword like I've been doing it my entire life. There was fluidity to my movements, the witches always attacked together trying to catch me off guard. If one went from my legs, another went for my arms and the last one attacked my head. Autopilot Freya wasn't getting tired, but mentally I was. Every rock thrown, fireball tossed, whip of water and air drained me. Maybe autopilot Freya was feeling it too because she started to use them less. Making us use our sword and shield along with brute strength more.

"Give up....

"...the girl..."

"...is to weak".

I charged for them. Swinging my sword pushing them back.

In the distance, I heard a tornado alarm go off followed by, "This is not a drill. Seek immediate shelter in one of the six zones," the announcement repeated itself.

"If you won't to give us...."

"...the girl perhaps your..."

"...lesser children will do".

The witches said taking flight.

The sky turned black with a cloud. But, upon further inspection I saw that was no cloud. Thousands of bird women filled the sky. They had bird-like wings and long sharp talons for hands. The rest of them was undeniably woman with their ripped bathing suit like attire.

Attack of the Victoria's Secret models!

The witches and the Victoria's Secret models we're attacking the university.

"You are safe as long as you stay here," I said aloud to myself.

What are you?

"I am Gaia, Mother of Life," I said walking to the hillside watching the horrific scene below. They were killing them.

Well, I'm Freya and you're currently in control of my body. You saved me on the bridge and just now. Is there anyway, you can help the people down there?

"Sweet child, I know who you are. The last of my demigods, the true protector of my earthly realm and Defender of Olympus."

No. No. No. No. None of that is true, I'm a computer programmer from Missouri. Who just happens to be able to control the four elements.

"You cannot run from your destiny. I will not always be here to protect you. I will only be with you until your Awakening," she said sadly.

Since, that hasn't happened yet. Are you going to go down there and save everyone? Will you? If I didn't lose my temper and call you up those witches would have never showed up. I feel partially responsible.

"Those 'witches' are Keres, the Goddesses of Death. They brought an army of Harpies."

And death!

I could hear the screams and cries of the victims blew. I saw The Brotherhood leap into action fighting back the hellish creatures.

"Death is a natural occurrence in this world. You are my only concerned," she said coldly.

So, you're fine with just letting them die? Aren't they your children too? Aren't you mother to everything and everyone on Earth. How can you sacrifice their lives, as if they have less value, and save mine?

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