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Chapter 40


Five minutes.

Five minutes is all it took for us to start fighting. I sat staring up at the blacked-out windows overhead. I couldn't see Freya or Cecilia, but I knew they were still there. I knew Cecilia was watching me. At our finest hour. The Wonder Bread Team was currently fighting Anson. Because who cares if we don't have our elements, we still have our fists. Bash and I just watched.

Fucking stupid. They'll all waste their energy fighting each other. Freya meant business. I never really thought about it before, but maybe the Wonder Bread team isn't as good as I thought. I mean Anson was holding his own pretty damn good against Leo, Damon and Milo.

"Stop. This doesn't help us," Bash said. He might as well be talking to a fucking brick wall.

They continued finding until someone turned up the green lights. Making them all fall to their knees. I was feeling nauseous again. And just by looking at Bash I could tell, he wanted to scream in pain.

"How does this work?" I asked looking up at the blacked-out windows.

"How does what work?" Cecilia's voice said through the microphone.

"Even if we do fuck and make-up which let's face it, we're not. How do you know we're telling the truth? What's to stop us from just faking it?" I asked.

"Well nothing now that you've brought it up dumbass!" Anson shouted, laying flat on his back.

"That's a very good question," she cooed, "I know a thing or two about magic, once you're compelled under a truth serum. You will tell no lies." My clever little witch.

Freya jumped in, "Or I can compel you myself."

"Neither of you have the skill-set to do that," Anson said now gasping for breath.

"Don't underestimate us. You have no idea what we're capable of," Freya said.

"Just let us out." Bash begged.

"It's only been five minutes. We're not talking about this!" Freya yelled.

"Let us out and we-" Milo was cut off as the green lights were turned up higher weakening us more. The microphone went dead.

"She's not going to kill us," Leo said finally wiping the saliva from his mouth, "One of them will grow a conscience and let us go."

"I highly doubt that," I said feeling a blackout coming on.

"We don't need your smart-ass comments," Damon spat.

"How am I being a smart-ass by admitting the situation we're in?" I said.

"It's been a run," Bash said quietly.

"I should have followed my gut instinct. Cecilia is -"

"Leave her the fuck out of this!"

"This is her. Her fucking concoction that knocked us out."

"Because a fucking demigod told her to. I'd like to see you stand your ground against a God-Killer. Freya is to blame too." I said setting the record straight.

"The makeup sex must be great between you two," Anson laughed darkly.

"Fuck you." I said as hard as I could.

"We should all calm down." Milo said.

"Yes, we're not getting out of here unless we do. So, can we at least try?" Bash asked.

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