A Real Hero

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Chapter 43


"Cecilia!" I called out going down the stairs to the containment room. I opened the door, "Any luck?" I said flopping down in the chair next to her.

She was playing some old music. I told her about Spotify, but it seems like YouTube music videos are easier for her, "Yes!" She said ecstatic, "I don't know how Hercules did it, but they agreed to work together!"

"Fear." I said, "It's amazing what you'll do when it stare's you down."

"Where is Hercules?" She asked.

"In the kitchen. Can you cook something for him?" I asked.

"Of course. Did you convince him to work with us?"

"He didn't flat-out say no. He said he'll think about it. And I can't force him without putting a bounty on my head." I had a feeling Zeus was waiting for me to slip up. "I need to take a trip."


"Atlantis. Poseidon had a library of books on each of the Gods. Maybe I could find something on Hercules," I said dead eyed.

"You know enough about the Gods," Cecilia said worried, "I don't think it is wise to go back."

"I know their weaknesses and how to kill them. I need to know their personalities so I can get them to empathize with us," I said.

"You won't find that in Atlantis. Give Hercules time, it's hard to change your viewpoint once you had thousands of years of being stuck with one idea," Cecilia said.

I guess. "So, we good here?"

"Yes," Cecilia said almost giddy.

"Great, let's throw the switch and let them out."

"That's the thing, could you break down the door? Hercules broke the panel before you two left," she said. Why?

"Yeah," I stood up and made my way down to the containment door. I looked at the smash panel. Why did he do that?

I pushed the though away and focused all my strength into my arms focusing it on to the door. I pushed with all my might, but the door did not budge. I called up all my elements but still the door didn't move. Okay new plan. I went back to the control room and try to break the windows. I couldn't even put a scratch on them. I could try teleporting in, but I could also get stuck in there. Damn it.

"You can't get in?" Cecilia said worried.

"No. Let's see if the God of strength can," I immediately teleported to the kitchen. "Why did you lock them in?" I said coming to stand in front of Hercules.

"Because I want you to come to Olympus. Let Zeus see you as the ally you could be. Take your place with us. Stand with us, Freya. Earth has been dying since its creation. Gaia knows that, her Realm of Earth is dying. It's basically on life support. Don't waste your time or life on these people."

"So what? Either I come with you or you'll let them die?" Jesus. I thought Hercules was a good guy.

"I don't want to give you an ultimatum. Putting someone in a corner never works out. Just come see what Olympus could give you. See what you can save," he pleaded.

"I thought only Gods were allowed on Olympus," I said crossing my arms.

"It's really who ever we want," he said.

No. I would go if Ares wanted me there, but after my fight with Hercules, he went dead silence. So much for 'Freya, you will never be alone. For all the Millennia to come, I will be here.'

Gifted (The Olympus Brotherhood #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon