And Alaric Was Right

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Chapter 26


"What now?" I said to myself laying down on the roof of my grandparents' house. I let go of Poseidon's trident, letting it fall to the ground. The sun was just about to set. I watched with an unwavering gaze as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the sky with orange, red and pink. I felt myself shrink down to my normal height.

"Rough day?" I popped up. Looking down I saw Anson standing in the front yard. He was wearing a black high neck jacket with black leather pants and Nike tennis shoes. I lit myself on fire ready for a fight, "Whoa! I didn't come to fight. I don't have a death wish," he held up my cape scarf, "a peace offering." I jumped down off the roof lading hard on one knee. Standing up I let my flams burn out.

I crossed my arms, "What do you want?"

He tossed me my scarf and keep his distance. I caught it and wrapped it around my neck letting the long ends fall behind my back,"Helluva fight. I've never seen somebody spine ripped out," he said ignored my question.

He was at the university? So much for The Order wouldn't dare come to Haven, "The same will happen to you if you don't leave. So, I'll ask again what do you want?"

"The Order told me what happened with Poseidon. I'm sorry, no one should have to go through-"

"I'm losing my patience." And I didn't want to relive what I just escaped.

"The Order sent me to recruit you. After that show, 'I'm not one of you', with The Brotherhood."

"I'm not joining anyone's side. So, you can go if that's what you came here for," I said.

"For now, but I wanted to extend the invitation. The Brotherhood failed you. The Order wouldn't have let an imposter infiltrate our organization and poorly try and imitate the only Child of War." He paused for a moment and then continued, "I'm not some dumb ass that's going to try and bring you back to the order because that will only get me killed. When you get tired of the Brotherhood failing you, find us. Then, you can unlock your true potential. We are Gifted by the Gods, as you said in the arena, 'Your rules don't apply'. That's basically the whole motto of The Order mankind's rules don't apply to us. And we're just trying to rewrite the correct social order." He held up a golden card and floated it over to me. I let it fall into the palm of my hand and saw there was a phone number on it, "For when you're ready."

"Twisting my words against me?" I said sliding the card in my boot.

"No, you meant it," he was right, I did. Months of frustration and pent-up anger all came out on the girl and Damon. Ares said I would have my revenge. But Poseidon still needed to pay for what he did not just to me, but to the other girls.

"True. You're not mad about the bridge?" I questioned.

"Oh, fuck yes I am. But I'm letting that go." Sure you are. "Look, I know you have no reason to trust me. I was just sent here to deliver a message. You have more options now more than ever. It hasn't been any God-killers since the Amazons-" Okay I was done listening to Anson.

"Anson it's been a long day and all I really want is a drink and sleep," I said.

"Ever been to London? Because Langham Hotel has the best bar in the world," he said.

"Or I could stay here and drink for free," I had no job and no money.

"We're Gifted we don't worry about price tags." I thought it over for a second, I knew what Anson was trying to do; lure me into a false sense of security.

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