You Took Your Time

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Chapter 9


The nerve of him! If I wasn't naked and freezing in my mother's backyard I would...

What? Fight the king of fighting. Get real Freya.

I made my way inside the house, "Mom! Mom!" The house was empty.

First, I needed clothes. I ran to my room and threw on some clothes. I ran throughout the whole screaming for my Mom. After five minutes, I knew she wasn't here. The house was cold and the porch light my Mom always kept on was off. She's gone.

I'm alone.

Ares took her away.

The fairy tale world Eva kept you in is gone. This is your reality now. Now stop being a petulant child...

I may never see her again.

No. I refuse to believe that.

I teleported back to the ugly pink room. And sat lost at the head of the bed. I wanted everything to go back to normal. I needed that. Hot wet tears ran down my face.

Woof woof

I looked up and saw Damon with a dog.

"How long have you been there?" I said wiping away my tears.

"Long enough to know you need a moment. Do you want me to leave?"

"No. I don't really want to be alone," I admitted. He came and sat next to me, "Is that your dog?" I asked, wanting to take my mind off of everything.

"No, he's uumm a stray. Do you want him?" He pushed the puppy into my arms. The dog covered me with kisses.

"Can you keep animals here?" I asked. My apartment had a strict no animals policy and this place is a million times nicer than my crappy apartment.

"Yeah, now we do," Damon said awkwardly.

"Then yes. I've always wanted a boxer," I scratched behind the dog's ears. He was loving it, "I'm going to call you Honey." He barked in approval.

"How was the meeting? Did you guys get me all sorted out," I turned to face Damon letting Honey run around the room.

"No. Not even close," he scratched the back of his neck looking lost for words, "I ran into Ares. He told me that Eva would be at your Awakening ceremony." That got my attention.

"You followed me?"

"It's my job and if I want to keep living, I'm going to keep doing so," he said.

"You don't have to worry about me leaving. I went home. The place was empty my mom was gone, so my grandparents are most likely gone too."

"I have no doubt they're safe with Ares. Whatever he has put them."

"I trust you more than him, so I'll take your word on it," I decided.

We sat in silence and I watched Honey play on the floor.

"I know you're new to all of this and I don't want to overwhelm you anymore than what you already are. But, be careful with Alaric. He's not the most ... reliable person in The Brotherhood."

"Really, you're telling me that the Playboy has ulterior motives. My mother warned me about men like him." I laid back on the bed.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," he grinned at his own comment.

"Will you be at this Awakening thing?" I asked.

"Yes. Leo, Bash, and Milo will all be there too," he said.

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