Promise? On My Life

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Chapter 33


The day came and went. After our meeting, it was hard to try and pretend for the rest of the day nothing had happen. It didn't help that I was super in tune with Freya's emotions. The more she worried the more anxious I became. I wanted to take her worries and fears away. But, I couldn't. If we don't succeed not only will we die, but we'll be dooming the world to darkness.

As I laid in bed, I tried to think who would believe us on nothing but Freya's word? I did a lot of thinking. Because it didn't look like I was going to get any sleep. Between Alaric's guard routine and Freya's non-stop panic and fear. None of us were getting any sleep. I got out of bed and through on some pants and walked over to Freya's room. Might as well have some company if she's not sleeping either.

Knock knock

"I know your awake," I said.

Freya came to the door in a short, silk, red nightgown still wearing the seal of Ares necklace and opened it a crack before letting me in. Zeus's beard.

Every light, candle and flashlight were on. Not a single corner of her room had any darkness, "Ummm..."

I had no idea what to say or would it be more appropriate just to ignore this. "I know how it looks," she said going to sit on her bed. She plopped down next to the book Athena had gifted her with.

"Good. Then, I don't need to say anything" I said.

"Believe me, if you were there, you would have every light on too," she said opening the book up flipping through the pages determined.

"Light reading?" At three in the morning, no less.

"Looking for anything that could help us," I went and sat on the other side of the bed from her.

"Have you found anything?"

"No, but I am putting together some pieces," she said holding up the book.

"It's blank," I said not getting what she was talking about.

"What?" She said putting the book down in between us and leaning closer to me, "You don't see anything?" She asked.

"Nothing, but very blank pages," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I have a theory," she said turning a page.

"Shoot." I said feeling her getting excited. I will take happy and excited Freya over scared and depressed any day. I never knew I could feel so high or so low from being connected to her.

"So, this is the first page I got. It's basically, an introduction. But then I got this page all about Hades after I came back to your room. Then slowly, I got one about Apollo, then I got one about Demeter, then Athena, Poseidon and Zeus. Don't you see, that's the same order I saw all of you in. Hades is you and Alaric is Apollo, Milo has Demeter and Bash has Athena. The only reason I got Zeus was because he...never mind. But today guess who I got?"

Never mind what?


"Exactly. And I think these pages show up when someone important makes contact with me. Kind of like a video game you have to unlock certain pages at certain times," she said now sitting on her knees.

"It's a good theory, especially because we have nothing else to go off of," I said scratching the back of my neck.

"A win is a win no matter how small," She said.

"But how does this help us? You're just going to walk up to every Brotherhood member and point your book in their face hoping you get a new page?"

"If that's what it takes," she said, "I mean you all have friends right? Just a simple introduction is all I need. Or I can go full crazy and knock on every door until I find the people I need," she said.

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