Catch Me, if You Can

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Chapter 6


I hate running point.

These conference check-in phone calls were pointless. Just another thing The Council wanted us to do, for some bullshit reason. I've never been in the middle of a fight and wondered what The Elders would say about my punching form. Very rarely do you ever need their sage advice.

If I had known this would be a big ordeal, I would have never had Leo report back in what we found. A female Elemental. Everyone and their cousins were losing their minds just over that. Then add on the fact she can control all four elements. Okay, maybe control isn't the perfect word. But, still she can.

"But the girl is safe?" Elder Favian asked for the seventh time. I swear to the fucking gods I was going to lose it if he asked one more time.

Calming down and taking a deep breath I said, "Yes. She is fine and still healing."

"When can we expect your team to return?" Elder Hakim said critically.

"As soon as she's awake and able to move. It was a tough battle," that was no lie. I had my fair share of run-ins with Shades, but Roman brought an army.

"Be kind to her. We don't want to give her any reason to turn to The Order. Once the Awakening takes place, we will be able to better train her," Elder Aldo added. The ground started to shake I looked over to Milo who was comfortably laying on the couch.

"It's not me," Milo declared throwing his hands up.

For the love of the gods. I reached out to Freya with our link. There is no way in hell I was telling The Council of our newfound connection.

"Hey!" I shouted at her mentally, "Hey! Knock it off with the shaking!"

"Hi Damon".

She was exhausted. And... conflicted? Of all the people to share a link with; I got the one person who was overly emotional about everything.

Wouldn't I be if I were her? I fucking hope not. I heard a non-stop humming.

"What the fuck is that humming?" It was deafening at an inhuman pitch, "Turn it off!"

"I can't welcome to my world. You'll just have to ride it out with me. Or and hear me out on this one, you can get out of my head!

" that understood?" Elder Dheemand commanded.


"Yes, understood," I had no idea what had happened. The Council ended the call.

The shaking intensified, "Can't you do something? Earth Elemental to Earth Elemental?" This has to stop. How has no one found her in all these years? Freya is no expert in hiding her Gifts.

"Sorry, no can do. Unless you want me to knock her out," Milo suggested. I thought it over for a second. "No! God's on high that's messed up. That's why The Brotherhood won't let you teach the kiddos," Milo said candidly. I didn't have the patience for that. But I am one of the best fighters The Brotherhood has. I belong in the field not in a classroom.

"Whatever," I said sitting in an armchair. We just needed to get Freya to the university then I can wipe my hands clean of her. Job done.

"Well, well, well, Leo moves fast," Milo said pointing out the window to show off in the distance Freya and Leo sitting close together.

To damn close.

What the fuck? Where did that come from? I turned my head away.

Maybe that's just one of the side effects of being linked. Freya isn't even my type. Since when is sexy not my type? Now, I'm just lying to myself. I got a damn good look at her in the shower; soft curves, full breasts and eyes that pierced my soul. If she didn't freak out, things could have ended very differently.

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