The Mother of All Rescues

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Chapter 27


"Say what now?"

"We are going to save Ezra." Freya said rummaging through Damon's room. I have to admit, when she teleported us to a bedroom, I had other ideas. I stood leaning against the door.

"Not that part. The Order part."

The part that will get you both killed. Alaric even you aren't that stupid. Damon was nagging again.

And that's where you're wrong I am exactly that type of stupid. She's a God-Killer. If anything, tonight's the night we fuck them up.

"Found it! Let's go!" Freya said putting on a ring. She walked up to me and grabbed my hand, "Ready?"

"Don't do this," Damon said appearing in the corner of his room, "You'll be starting a war against The Order. You'll endanger every person a part of The Brotherhood. Freya, please don't do this."

"The Brotherhood did this to themselves. If you won't save him. I will." And as soon as she finished her sentence we were being transported to the middle of the woods. The forest was ancient. The trees thick and old, roots that were twisted. It once may have been filled with birdsong and animals that roamed. But now it was ages past its former glory. Its canopy was so dense that you could only see the occasional streak of moonlight that rarely touched the forest floor. The stillness of the air seemed to suck even the sound of my footsteps into the nothingness of the forest. Even the trees seemed not to rustle as if they were tense with nerves for what was to come.

Okay Damon may be right.

"You know you don't have to come. This forest is filled with homunculus, giants, Manticores and who knows what else," Freya said leading the way. I followed close behind her.

Drip, drop, drip, drop, drip, drop.

What the hell was that? I heard it for a few seconds when we were on the beach but ignored it.

"Is the sink running you or Damon?"

"I think that's me," she said hopping over a log.

We walked in silence for a bit until I couldn't take it anymore, "Not that I or anyone else could stop you. But, why? Ares already told you there is no Ezra Miles. So why risk getting caught?"

"Are you sure there is no Ezra Miles? Has anyone tried to talk to him or reach out to him? The Brotherhood just dismiss him as soon as The Order got him. He's been trapped with them for how long? Begging for help and no one would listen. His pain is real, what's happening is real," she turned around and face me and I saw a hint of tears in her eyes. Damn it.

"Ezra is not you. If The Elders knew you were gone, something would have been done," I said.

"That's the thing, they did know. You told them and they didn't believe you just like they don't believe me about Doomsday. And now how many other people have cried out for help only to hear back silence. You all say The Order are the bad guys but it's pretty fucking cruel to abandoned people that have no idea what's going on."

Well...shit. I understood where she was coming from. And why she wanted to do this. But...

"This is crazy," Damon yelled behind us making us turn around to him. And of course, he wasn't alone, he brought Leo with him. Because what don't they do together?

"We are continuing on. Bowen Lake isn't far from here," Freya said stepping in front of me.

"We are going back to Haven and forgetting this ever happen. I don't care if I have to drag you back there." He grabbed her wrist only to have Freya punch him square in the chest sending him skidding back a few steps.

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