What is a Gun Going To Do Against a God?

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Chapter 5


I'm alive.

I sat up in my dark room. The only light that came in was from my bedroom window showing a low hanging sunset which illuminated oranges and reds throughout the room. Looking down at my body I saw Mom fixed me up I had bandages on my waist, legs, and arms. I wasn't in pain.

Who put this necklace on me? I lifted the bronze necklace up and saw it was a shield with a vulture on it.

"I don't care! Listen to what you're asking," that was my mom.

"Eva, you don't get to make the call on this. The Gifted are going to start a war to have her. She needs to come with me. I have just as much a right to be in her life as you," the strange voice said. It was deep like rolling thunder with a hint of accent; I couldn't place. I walked to the door to listen closer. If my mom needed me, I would break down the door and sent this guy flying.

"No, you have no right. Freya is my daughter I raised her. I've been here with her since the beginning."

"Because you never told me! She's mine too. You knew that as soon as her Gifts showed up. And you denied me a part in her life, you won't deny me again," the man said.

No, he couldn't be. Mom said she didn't know my father. It was just a one night between two horny strangers.

"I denied you because I knew the future she would have with you. Another soldier in your games. Not Freya, she couldn't be further from a fighter. I wanted her to have a normal life. Ares, why can't you understand that. I wanted her childhood to be filled with Barbie's and imagination. Fun and love. You know she wouldn't get that with you. Training in your mindless army. Fighting a war that isn't hers."

"Would have prepared her for this. This war is far-"

"From over. The war never ends. The bloodshed never stops. There is always going to be some battle. That is not Freya's fault or responsibility. She is not going to be a slave to your every whim." Mom was standing her ground.

She knew him. She knew and kept him a secret. I wanted to open the door. To see his face just once.

"She is of my blood. She was born to be a warrior, whether you like it or not. When she wakes up, I'm taking her to the university." They continue to argue.

I put my hand on my door ready to push it open. But I stopped myself. It doesn't matter what he looks like. Mom lied to me. That's what hurts the most. I teleported to my grandparents' house. Did they know too?

Half a success. I was naked, but at least I was in the hallway close to my room here. I liked my grandparents ranch style house. It was far from simple with ten bedrooms, eight full and two half bathrooms, a gracious formal living room, elegant dining room, a high-end gourmet kitchen, conservatory, billiard room, family room, library, and a private movie theatre. Outside there was a guest house and pool.

"Freya? Is that you?" That was my grandma. Nana is the definition of ladylike. I've never seen her without pearl earnings and her hair perfectly styled.

"Yes! Don't come up I'm naked!" I yelled back. I walked into my room and headed for my dresser. I threw on a tank top and shorts. Then headed downstairs to the family room. Turning the corner, I heard, "Baby-girl come sit with us." I saw grandma sitting on the couch next to grandpa who was fast asleep in his favorite rocking chair. I stood in the doorway.

"Did you know? About my mom and Ares?" It would make sense now that I think about it. No one was really surprised when they found out I could use the elements. Everyone just accepted it and moved on, but maybe they'd already known, and it was no surprise.

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